Elgar: The Dream of Gerontius; The Music Makers

Artist Adrian Boult
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label EMI
Erschienen 1998

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 37:57
2 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 96:46

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - Introduction 3:28
2 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - We are the music makers 1:57
3 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - With wonderful deathless ditties 1:41
4 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - We, in the ages lying 3:58
5 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - A breath of our inspiration 4:00
6 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - They had no vision amazing 3:20
7 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - And therefore today is thrilling 4:27
8 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - But we, with out dreaming and singing 3:31
9 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - For we are afar with the dawning 2:37
10 The Music Makers, ode for alto, chorus, organ & orchestra, Op. 69 - Great hail! We cry to the comers 8:58
11 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Prelude 9:38
12 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Jesu, Maria - I am near to death 3:05
13 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Kyrie eleison 2:07
14 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Rouse thee, my fainting soul :51
15 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Be merciful, be gracious 2:59
16 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Sanctus fortis, Sanctus Deus 5:20
17 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. I can no more; for now it comes again 2:41
18 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Rescue him, O Lord 1:56
19 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Novissima hora est 1:22
20 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Proficiscere, anima Christiana 2:02
21 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 1. Go in the name of Angels 5:07
22 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Introduction: I went to sleep 5:53
23 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. My work is done 3:06
24 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. All hail! My child 6:30
25 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Low-born clods of brute earth 2:01
26 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. It is the restless panting of their being :18
27 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. The mind bold and indepedent 2:19
28 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. I see not those false spirits 3:29
29 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Praise to the Holiest 3:15
30 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. The sound is like the rushing of the wind :17
31 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Glory to Him :32
32 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. They sing of thy approaching agony :51
33 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. But hark! a grand mysterious harmony :58
34 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. And now the threshold :24
35 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Praise to the Holiest 7:56
36 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Thy judgment now is clear 2:33
37 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Jesu! by that shuddering dread 4:23
38 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Be merciful, be gracious :39
39 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Praise to His Name! 1:36
40 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Take me away 3:41
41 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge 1:55
42 The Dream of Gerontius, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, Op. 38 - Part 2. Softly and gently 7:02

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