| A Trip Through Tuscany Eric Tingstad |  | |
| Dreams & Waltzes Louise LeCavelier |  | |
| San Francisco and Other Jeanette MacDonald Favorites Jeanette MacDonald |  | |
| Lucrezia Bori: The Victor Recordings (1914-25) Lucrezia Bori |  | |
| Lucrezia Bori: The Victor Recordings (1925-37) Lucrezia Bori |  | |
| Lucrezia Bori On Radio - Her Greatest Hits On Records And From Unpublished Broadcasts (1910-36) Lucrezia Bori |  | |
| Un Rossignol Allemande Erna Sack |  | |
| One Night of Love Various Artists |  | |
| Lucrezia Bori: Arias Lucrezia Bori |  | |
| Cornet Roundabout Various Artists |  | |
| Ciribirin Erna Sack |  | |
| Love's Old Sweet Song: Twenty Five Singers in Popular Ballads Various Artists |  | |
| Helmut Lotti Goes Classic Helmut Lotti
Aufnahmeort und Datum Elisabethzaal te Antwerpen [1995] |  | - Komponist: Alberto Pestalozza
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Robby Hellyn
- Gesang: Helmut Lotti
- Dirigent: André Walschaerts
- Horn: Hans Verhulst
- Piano, Klavier: Wim Boherts
- Violine, Geige: Ingrid Ceuppens
- Baß: Pieter Van Loo
- Posaune: Geert Versavel
- Cello: Else Ceuppens
- Violine, Geige: Veronique Hendrix
- Viola, Bratsche: Paul Van Hoeck
- Violine, Geige: Nancy Frans
- Posaune: Jeroen D'Helft
- Violine, Geige: Annick Versavel
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Kris Wouters
- Horn: Mark Weyers
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Raf Helsen
- Sopran: Chris Embrechts
- Flöte: Kristel Schellens
- Alt, Bratsche: Kristel Van Craen
- Sopran: Ingrid Schellens
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Kristoffel De Laat
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Maurice Aerts
- Posaune: Walter Van Hoof
- Cello: Paul Hermans
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Jan Schepens
- Gitarre: Tom Van Eygen
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Filip Hendrix
- Baß: Jan Vuye
- Violine, Geige: Cecilia Awouters
- Baß: Jef Vervoort
- Violine, Geige: Barbara Buchoweic
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Dimitri Verhoeven
- Violine, Geige: Vicky Appels
- Klarinette: Luc Dekelver
- Sopran: Hilde Van Weespoel
- Violine, Geige: Michele Corthier
- Violine, Geige: Dirk Gabriels
- Sopran: Liesbet Moeremans
- Baß: Hans Horemans
- Violine, Geige: Sabine Avondts
- Trompete: Willy Versweyveld
- Violine, Geige: Bart Gysemans
- Trompete: Chris Vandeweyer
- Klarinette: Leen Knops
- Cello: Michiel Dutre
- Viola, Bratsche: Martha Dehandschutter
- Viola, Bratsche: Maria Dehandschutter
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Peter Ploegaerts
- Viola, Bratsche: Steven DeRoeck
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Martine Vermeylen
- Viola, Bratsche: Lisbeth Lannie
- Violine, Geige: Paul Libens
| Willem Mengelberg Live: The Radio Recordings [Includes DVD Video] [Box Set] Willem Mengelberg |  | |
| Best of Ennio Morricone [BMG] Ennio Morricone |  | |
| The Very Best of John Williams and the Boston Pops Orchestra Boston Pops Orchestra |  | |
| Italian Intermezzo Pizzarelli-Peplowski Sextet |  | |
| Love Me Forever Grace Moore |  | |
| Lucrezia Bori in Song Lucrezia Bori |  | |
| The Golden Age of Light Music: Light Music While You Work Various Artists |  | |
| The Mario Lanza Collection Mario Lanza |  | |
| Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 1 Guido Pietro Deiro |  | |
| The Very Best of Mario Lanza Mario Lanza |  | |
| Torna a Surriento: Canzoni, Vol. 2 Various Artists |  | |