Anonymous, Japanese
Geboren | Unbekannt |
Land | Japan |
Kompositionen von Anonymous, Japanese
Werk | Epoche/Genre | |
Akita no sugagaki (Piece from the Akita Region) | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
Haiku (poem) | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
Hi fu mi no hachi gaeshi (On, two, three - Return the bowl) | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
Kumoi jishi (Celestial Lion Dance) | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
Reibo (Longing for the bell) | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
Song for the Defense of Iwo Jima, patriotic song | Choral | |
Tamuke (Offering) | Miscellaneous (Classical) | |
The Moonship (poem) | Miscellaneous (Classical) |