| The Most Beautiful Melodies of Classical Music: Moonlight Sonata Various Artists |  | |
| The Most Beautiful Melodies of Classical Music (Box Set) Various Artists |  | |
| The Most Beautiful Melodies of Classical Music (Collectors Edition) (Box Set) Various Artists |  | |
| The Most Beautiful Melodies of Classical Music, Vol. 1-5 (Box Set) Various Artists |  | |
| The Most Beautiful Melodies of Classical Music, Vol. 1-10 (Box Set) Various Artists |  | |
| Dinner Classics: Classical Masterpieces For Your Romantic Evening Various Artists |  | |
| The Parlour Grand: Piano Favorites from a Bygone Era Robert Silverman |  | |
| La Danse Par Le Disque, Vol. 12 Various Artists
Sätze aus diesem Werk [Extr.] [Adage] |  | |
| Jan Kubelík, The Acoustic Recordings 1902-1913 Jan Kubelík |  | |
| Elegy Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Snape Maltings Concert Hall, Snape, Suffolk, England [1994] |  | |
| Joseph Szigeti: The Complete HMV Recordings (1908-13) Joseph Szigeti |  | |
| Complete Solo Recordings of Ignaz Friedman Ignaz Friedman |  | |
| Hommage a la Pavlova Various Artists |  | |
| Lovely Time, Vol. 2 Various Artists |  | |
| Café Concert Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum L'Auditorium du Musée d'Orsay [1988] |  | |
| Greatest Hits - The Piano, Vol. III Various Artists |  | |
| Pablo Casals: The Complete Acoustic Recordings Vol. 3: 1920 - 25 Pablo Casals |  | |
| La Scuola Boema, Libro 1: Kubelík, Príhoda Various Artists |  | |
| Romance Josef Suk
Aufnahmeort und Datum Domovina Studio, Prague, Czech Republic [1994] |  | |
| Ignaz Friedman piano recitals Ignaz Friedman |  | |
| Rubinstein: Piano Works Zora Mihailovich
Aufnahmeort und Datum David L. Abell Digital Sudio Studio, Los Angeles, CA [1994] |  | |
| Hungarian Violin School Vol.2 Various Artists |  | |
| Piano Music by the Rubinstein Bros. Victor Ryabchikov |  | |
| 78 Classics, Vol. 2 Various Artists |  | |
| Dinner Classics: Classical Masterpieces for Your Romantic Evening Various Artists |  | |