As Friends Rust/Discount [Split CD]

Artist As Friends Rust (As Friends Rust/Discount)
Bewertung  von 5
Genre Rock
Label Good Life Recordings
Erschienen 13.02.2001


# Song Künstler Komponist Dauer
1   The First Song on the T Yape You Make Her As Friends Rust   - 2:59
2   Portrait of a Cigarette Discount James Parker, Alison Mosshart, Bill Nesper, Ryan Seagrist 1:06
3   History Is History Discount James Parker, Alison Mosshart, Bill Nesper, Ryan Seagrist 2:04
4   Home Is Where the Heart Aches As Friends Rust   - 2:30

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Songtexte von As Friends Rust/Discount [Split CD]

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Weitere Releases von As Friends Rust/Discount [Split CD]

Datum Typ Label Katalog-Nr.
13.02.2001 CD Good Life Recordings 35