Gentle Mind: Works Composed to Verse by the Poet Ólafur Jónsson of Sandar

Artist Bára Grímsdóttir
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Smekkleysa

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Sjálfur Guð Drottinn sannleikans (The Very Lord of Truth), for chorus 3:35
2 Mikils ætti ég aumur að akta (Unworthy Though I Should Revere), for chorus 5:53
3 Hugsun kalda hef ég að halda (The Thought So Cold of the Tragedy of Old), for chorus 8:35
4 Alleina til Guðs set trausta trú (Alone in God Your Faith Is Sound), for chorus 5:48
5 Misst hef ég mengrund svo víða (I Have Lost a Lady So Fair), for chorus 5:51
6 Blessaðan tíma börn Guðs mega það kalla (God's Children May Call This Season Blessed), for chorus 6:15
7 Kærustu hlýðið kristnir á (Dearest Christians, Lend Your Ears), for chorus 3:58
8 Gaumgæfið, kristnir, og gefið til hljóð (Pay Heed, Christians, and Listen Well), for chorus 3:05
9 Ó, herra Guð, min heilsa er rýr (O Lord God, My Health Is Frail), for chorus 6:00
10 Manninum er hér mjög svo varið (Man Is Cared For Here So Well), for chorus 4:14
11 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble 21:35

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Sjálfur Guð Drottinn sannleikans (The Very Lord of Truth), for chorus 3:35
2 Mikils ætti ég aumur að akta (Unworthy Though I Should Revere), for chorus 5:53
3 Hugsun kalda hef ég að halda (The Thought So Cold of the Tragedy of Old), for chorus 8:35
4 Alleina til Guðs set trausta trú (Alone in God Your Faith Is Sound), for chorus 5:48
5 Misst hef ég mengrund svo víða (I Have Lost a Lady So Fair), for chorus 5:51
6 Blessaðan tíma börn Guðs mega það kalla (God's Children May Call This Season Blessed), for chorus 6:15
7 Kærustu hlýðið kristnir á (Dearest Christians, Lend Your Ears), for chorus 3:58
8 Gaumgæfið, kristnir, og gefið til hljóð (Pay Heed, Christians, and Listen Well), for chorus 3:05
9 Ó, herra Guð, min heilsa er rýr (O Lord God, My Health Is Frail), for chorus 6:00
10 Manninum er hér mjög svo varið (Man Is Cared For Here So Well), for chorus 4:14
11 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble - Prologue 2:12
12 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble - Part 1 4:05
13 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble - Intermezzo :29
14 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble - Part 2 2:23
15 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble - Part 3 2:39
16 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble - Part 4 1:31
17 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble - Part 5 6:23
18 Mjög hneigist þar til mannslundin hrein (Man's Pure Spirit Is Thus Inclined), suite for chorus & ensemble - Epilogue 1:53

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