De Toda La Eternidad: Songs of American Women Composers

Artist Bonnie Pomfret
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Aca Digital
Erschienen 2005

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 De toda la eternidad, for soprano & piano 14:59
2 Songs (7) for voice & piano: One need not be a chamber to be haunted 3:08
3 Songs (7) for voice & piano: Rain Song 2:12
4 Songs (7) for voice & piano: Glory be to God for Dapple Things 1:17
5 Songs (7) for voice & piano: Spring and Fall: to a young child 1:49
6 Songs (7) for voice & piano: Leap Before You Look 3:42
7 among dawn flowers, for soprano & piano 5:06
8 Dream Portraits (3) for voice & piano 6:26
9 Cuatro Canciones Andinas, for soprano & piano 13:24
10 Songs from Letters: Calamity Jane to her daughter Janey, 1880-1902, for soprano & piano 13:03

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 De toda la eternidad, for soprano & piano - I. Un instante me escuchen (Hear me one moment) (opening of the fifth Villancico) 2:18
2 De toda la eternidad, for soprano & piano - II. !Afuera, afuera, afuera! (Fall back, fall back, fall back!) (from the fourth Villancico) 2:13
3 De toda la eternidad, for soprano & piano - III. Tersa frente, oro el cabello (Smooth brow and golden hair) (from the fifth Villancico) 3:54
4 De toda la eternidad, for soprano & piano - IV. Esta tarde, mi bien (Speaking to you, beloved) (Sonnet) 2:54
5 De toda la eternidad, for soprano & piano - V. Diuturna enfermedad de la Esperanza (Oh, malady of Hope) (Sonnet) 3:40
6 Songs (7) for voice & piano - One need not be a chamber to be haunted 3:08
7 Songs (7) for voice & piano - Rain Song 2:12
8 Songs (7) for voice & piano - Glory be to God for Dapple Things 1:17
9 Songs (7) for voice & piano - Spring and Fall: to a young child 1:49
10 Songs (7) for voice & piano - Leap Before You Look 3:42
11 among dawn flowers, for soprano & piano - I. 2:35
12 among dawn flowers, for soprano & piano - II. 2:31
13 Dream Portraits (3) for voice & piano - Minstrel Man 1:54
14 Dream Portraits (3) for voice & piano - Dream Variation 2:17
15 Dream Portraits (3) for voice & piano - I, Too 2:15
16 Cuatro Canciones Andinas, for soprano & piano - 1. Despedida (Leave-Taking) 2:56
17 Cuatro Canciones Andinas, for soprano & piano - 2. Yo Crío una Mosca (I am Nursing a Fly) 2:28
18 Cuatro Canciones Andinas, for soprano & piano - 3. Carnaval de Tambobamba (Tambobamba Carnival) 5:39
19 Cuatro Canciones Andinas, for soprano & piano - 4. Yunca 2:21
20 Songs from Letters: Calamity Jane to her daughter Janey, 1880-1902, for soprano & piano - So Like Your Father's 1:32
21 Songs from Letters: Calamity Jane to her daughter Janey, 1880-1902, for soprano & piano - He Never Misses 1:31
22 Songs from Letters: Calamity Jane to her daughter Janey, 1880-1902, for soprano & piano - A Man Can Love Two Women 2:35
23 Songs from Letters: Calamity Jane to her daughter Janey, 1880-1902, for soprano & piano - A Working Woman 3:44
24 Songs from Letters: Calamity Jane to her daughter Janey, 1880-1902, for soprano & piano - All I Have 3:41

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