Tallis: Gaude gloriosa

Artist Cardinall's Musick
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Renaissance (1450-1599)
Label Hyperion
Erschienen 2005

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Jesu Salvator saeculi (Tu fabricator omnium), motet for 5 voices, P. 289 4:24
2 Gaude gloriosa Dei mater, motet (antiphon) for 6 voices, P. 123 17:30
3 Semone blando angelus (Illae dum pergunt concitae), motet for 5 voices, P. 193 5:26
4 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, for 5 voices, P. 73 13:53
5 Mihi autem nimis (also set as "Blessed be thy name"), motet (Introit) for 5 voices, P. 204 2:36
6 Absterge Domine, motet for 5 voices, P. 180 5:57
7 Derelinquit impius, motet for 5 voices, P. 189 4:05
8 Loquebantur variis linguis, motet for 7 voices, P. 272 4:08
9 Suscipe quaeso, motet for 7 voices, P. 222 9:14
10 O nata lux de lumine, motet (hymn) for 5 voices, P. 209 1:57

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Jesu Salvator saeculi (Tu fabricator omnium), motet for 5 voices, P. 289 4:24
1 Jesu Salvator saeculi (Tu fabricator omnium), motet for 5 voices, P. 289 4:24
2 Gaude gloriosa Dei mater, motet (antiphon) for 6 voices, P. 123 17:30
2 Gaude gloriosa Dei mater, motet (antiphon) for 6 voices, P. 123 17:30
3 Semone blando angelus (Illae dum pergunt concitae), motet for 5 voices, P. 193 5:26
3 Semone blando angelus (Illae dum pergunt concitae), motet for 5 voices, P. 193 5:26
4 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, for 5 voices, P. 73 - Magnificat a5 10:28
4 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, for 5 voices, P. 73 - Magnificat a5 10:28
5 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, for 5 voices, P. 73 - Nunc dimittis a5 3:25
5 Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, for 5 voices, P. 73 - Nunc dimittis a5 3:25
6 Mihi autem nimis (also set as "Blessed be thy name"), motet (Introit) for 5 voices, P. 204 2:36
6 Mihi autem nimis (also set as "Blessed be thy name"), motet (Introit) for 5 voices, P. 204 2:36
7 Absterge Domine, motet for 5 voices, P. 180 5:57
7 Absterge Domine, motet for 5 voices, P. 180 5:57
8 Derelinquit impius, motet for 5 voices, P. 189 4:05
8 Derelinquit impius, motet for 5 voices, P. 189 4:05
9 Loquebantur variis linguis, motet for 7 voices, P. 272 4:08
9 Loquebantur variis linguis, motet for 7 voices, P. 272 4:08
10 Suscipe quaeso, motet for 7 voices, P. 222 9:14
10 Suscipe quaeso, motet for 7 voices, P. 222 9:14
11 O nata lux de lumine, motet (hymn) for 5 voices, P. 209 1:57
11 O nata lux de lumine, motet (hymn) for 5 voices, P. 209 1:57

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