| Voices of Christmas Northern Aire Singers |  | |
| Christmas Angels: Angelic Christmas Various Artists |  | |
| Christmas Joy St. Paul's Cathedral Choir |  | |
| Holiday Sounds Various Artists |  | |
| Christmas Angels Series Various Artists |  | |
| Christmas Angels Series Various Artists |  | |
| Carols From Trinity Trinity College Choir, Cambridge |  | |
| Sing Joy the Day: Christmas Carols from Ely Cathedral Various Artists |  | |
| Sir Cristemas: Carols Newly Composed and Arranged Various Artists |  | |
| Rejos for Joy Rejos for Joy
Aufnahmeort und Datum Norwich Cathedral, Norwich, Norfolk, England [1992] |  | |
| The Christmas Album Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Aufnahmeort und Datum C.T.s. Studios, London, England [1995] |  | |
| A Tapestry of Carols Maddy Prior & The Carnival Band
Aufnahmeort und Datum The Meeting House, Frenchay, Nr. Bristol [1987] |  | |
| Christmas Album [Intersound] Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Aufnahmeort und Datum C. T. S. Studios, London, England [1995] |  | - Komponist: Christmas Traditional
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Gareth Wood
- Gesang: Ambrosian Singers
- Chor: Ambrosian Singers
- Horn: John Bimson
- Harfe: Aline Brewer
- Violine, Geige: Julian Cummings
- Fagott: Catherine Duckett
- Violine, Geige: Russell Gilbert
- Posaune: Roger Harvey
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Gerald Kirby
- Chorvorsteher: John McCarthy
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Jack McCormack
- Violine, Geige: Raymond Ovens
- Orgel: Leslie Pearson
- Glockenspiel, Celesta: Leslie Pearson
- Orchester: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Ralph Salmins
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Dirigent: Yuri Temirkanov
- Violine, Geige: David Towse
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Neil Watson
- Klarinette: Prudence Whittaker
- Dirigent: Vaughan Meakins
- Violine, Geige: Guy Bebb
- Violine, Geige: Charles Beldom
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Roy Benson
- Oboe: Geoffrey Browne
- Horn: Barry Castle
- Viola, Bratsche: Martin Chivers
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Peter Chrippes
- Flöte: Julian Coward
- Cello: Laurence Cromwell
- Violine, Geige: Clive Dobbins
- Cello: Andrew Fuller
- Cello: William Heggart
- Violine, Geige: David Herd
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Peter Hetherington
- Viola, Bratsche: Harry Jones
- Violine, Geige: Stephen Kear
- Violine, Geige: Andrew Klee
- Violine, Geige: Ken Lawrence
- Violine, Geige: Richard Layton
- Violine, Geige: Christopher Lydon
- Tuba: Chris McShane
- Violine, Geige: Steve Merson
- Klarinette: Douglas Mitchell
- Violine, Geige: Peter Nutting
- Violine, Geige: Alain Petitclerc
- Cello: Nigel Pinkett
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Stephen Quigley
- Trompete: Paul Ringham
- Horn: Laurence Rogers
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Sermon
- Baß: David Stewart
- Horn: James Warburton
- Oboe: Leila Ward
- Violine, Geige: Nina Whitehurst
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Horn: Jim Rattigan
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Mark Owens
- Violine, Geige: Mike Dolan
- Trompete: Joe Atkins
- Viola, Bratsche: Robin del Mar
- Viola, Bratsche: Robert Turner
- Viola, Bratsche: Timothy Welsh
- Violine, Geige: Geoffrey Palmer
- Violine, Geige: Marilyn Germains
- Violine, Geige: Charles Nolan
- Pauken: Paul Vallis
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Williams
- Viola, Bratsche: Don Thompson
- Fagott: David Chatterton
- Flöte: Jennifer Welch
- Violine, Geige: Gilbert White
- Trompete: Gerry Ruddock
| Miracle in Bethlehem Various Artists |  | |
| Music For the Christmas Season Earl L. Miller |  | |
| Les Plus Beaux Noels Au Saxophone et a l'Orge Various Artists |  | |
| Noël: Christmas at King's David Willcocks |  | |
| A Choirboy's Christmas: The Gold Collection Various Artists |  | |
| Peace on Earth [Platinum Disc] Various Artists |  | |
| Christmas Choir Alfred Walter |  | |
| Have Yourself a Choral Little Christmas Choir of St. Paul's Cathedral, London |  | |
| O Magnum Mysterium Choir of Lincoln College, Oxford
Aufnahmeort und Datum Exeter College, Oxford, England [2001] |  | |
| Traditional English Christmas Carols Various Artists |  | |
| The Complete New English Hymnal, Vol. 6 St. Mary Collegiate Church Choir, Warwick
Aufnahmeort und Datum Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Warwick, England [2000] |  | |
| A Choral Christmas Canterbury Cathedral Choir |  | |