Handel: Athalia

Artist Christopher Hogwood
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Barock (1600-1749)
Label Decca
Erschienen 2003

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 121:34

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 1. Sinfonia 5:23
2 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 1. Aria - Blooming virgins, spotless train 4:48
3 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 1. The rising world Jehovah crown'd 3:13
4 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 1. Solo & Chorus - Tyrants would in impious throngs 3:19
5 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 1. Recitative: When he is in his wrath reveal'd 3:41
6 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 2. Recitative - Your sacred songs awhile forbear 6:41
7 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 3. Recitative - What scenes of horror round me rise! 2:21
8 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 3. The gods, who chosen belssing shed 2:29
9 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 3. Cheer her, O Baal 3:10
10 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 3. Gentle airs, melodious strains! 2:38
11 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 3. Softest sound no more can ease me 5:31
12 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 3. The traitor if you there descry 1:57
13 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 4. Aria: Faitful cares in vain extended 5:52
14 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 1. Scene 4. Gloomy tyrants, we disdain 4:49
15 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 2. Scene 1. Chorus - The mighty pow'r 5:57
16 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 2. Scene 1. Aria - Through the land so lovely blooming 8:22
17 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 2. Scene 1. Aria - Ah, canst thou but prove me! 5:31
18 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 2. Scene 2. Aria - will God, whose mercies ever flow 3:19
19 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 2. Scene 2. Aria - My vengeance awakes me 4:52
20 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 2. Scene 2. Duet - My spirits fail, I faint, I die! 4:12
21 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 2. Scene 3. Duet - Cease thy anguish, smile once more 6:35
22 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 2. Scene 3. Chorus - The clouded scene begins to clear 3:54
23 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 1. Recitative - What sacred horrors shake my breast 1:29
24 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 1. Chorus - Unfold, great seer, what heav'n imparts :52
25 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 1. Recitative - Let harmony breathe soft around 4:15
26 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 1. Chorus - With firm united hearts :56
27 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 2. Aria - Soothing tyrant, falsely smiling! 2:21
28 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 4. Chorus - Around let acclamations ring 2:40
29 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 4. Aria - Oppression, no longer I dread thee 1:53
30 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 4. Aria: Hark! His thunders round me roll 2:43
31 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Scene 4. To darkness eternal 1:05
32 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Final Scene. Now, Josabeth, thy fears are o'er! 2:36
33 Athalia, oratorio, HWV 52 - Act 3. Final Scene. Give glory to his awful name 2:10

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