Flower of All Ships: Tudor Court Music

Artist Circa 1500
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label CRD Records
Erschienen 1995

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 And I war a maydyn 1:43
2 Westron Wynde, song 6:12
3 If Love Now Reynyd for 3 voices 1:33
4 Madame d'amours 2:38
5 Hornepype d'Angleterre 0:59
6 Kyng Harry the 8th Pavyn 2:55
7 Helas Madame Que Feraige 2:48
8 La belle fyne 1:22
9 Jay pryse amours 2:01
10 Untitled Instrumental Piece 1:30
11 Wher be ye my love, my love? 4:12
12 My Lady Carey's Dompe (Royal, App. 58) 1:51
13 My Lady Wynkfylds Rownde 1:23
14 Jouyssance Vous Donneray, chanson, for 4 voices 3:23
15 Dont vient cela, belle, je vous supply, chanson for 4 voices 4:13
16 Gentilz galans, compaignons du raisin 1:41
17 Arthur's Dump 6:19
18 Ricercar (Sienna lute book, f. 14v) 0:47
19 O dolce nocte, madrigal 1:46
20 Ricercare primo 1:40
21 My love ys lyke unto th' eternall fyre 2:14
22 Yow and I and Amyas 5:04
23 The Hunt Is Up 3:16

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 And I war a maydyn 1:43
2 Westron Wynde, song 6:12
3 If Love Now Reynyd for 3 voices 1:33
4 Madame d'amours 2:38
5 Hornepype d'Angleterre :59
6 Kyng Harry the 8th Pavyn 2:55
7 Helas Madame Que Feraige 2:48
8 La belle fyne 1:22
9 Jay pryse amours 2:01
10 Untitled Instrumental Piece 1:30
11 Wher be ye my love, my love? 4:12
12 My Lady Carey's Dompe (Royal, App. 58) 1:51
13 My Lady Wynkfylds Rownde 1:23
14 Jouyssance Vous Donneray, chanson, for 4 voices 3:23
15 Dont vient cela, belle, je vous supply, chanson for 4 voices 4:13
16 Gentilz galans, compaignons du raisin 1:41
17 Arthur's Dump 6:19
18 Ricercar (Sienna lute book, f. 14v) :47
19 O dolce nocte, madrigal 1:46
20 Ricercare primo 1:40
21 My love ys lyke unto th' eternall fyre 2:14
22 Yow and I and Amyas 5:04
23 The Hunt Is Up 3:16

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