| World's Greatest Marches [Pro Arte] Various Artists |  | |
| World's Greatest Marches Various Artists |  | |
| Greatest Marches Various Artists |  | |
| On Parade!: World's Greatest Marches Various Artists |  | |
| The Listen to the Band Collection: On Parade Various Artists |  | |
| Grafulla's Favorites Dodworth Saxhorn Band |  | |
| Marches for the Connoisseur Regimental Band of the Coldstream Guards |  | |
| Ticket to Ride British Airways Brass Band |  | |
| Greatest Band in the Land! Goldman Band
Aufnahmeort und Datum Manhattan Center Studios, New York, NY [1965] |  | |
| On Parade with the Band of the Life Guards The Band of the Life Guards
Aufnahmeort und Datum Chelsea Barracks, London, England [2001] |  | |
| WASBE '99: The United States Air Force Band United States Air Force Band |  | - Komponist: Claudio S. Grafulla
- Dirigent: Lowell Graham
- Gruppe: United States Air Force Band
- Kornett, Kornettbläser: James E. Bittner
- Sopran: Julianne S. Turrentine
- Solist: Julianne S. Turrentine
- Flöte: Lawrence Ink
- Flöte: Lucille Johnston Snell
- Streichbaß: Frank Pappajohn
- Kornett, Kornettbläser: William C. Adcock
- Tenorsaxophon: Jacob S. McCray
- Saxophon: Jeremy P. Koch
- Kornett, Kornettbläser: Clarence T. Mitchell
- Posaune: James T. VanZandt
- Posaune: Lindsey W. Smith
- Saxophon: William E. Marr
- Trompete: Kenneth R. Oedemann
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Mark L. Carson
- Kontrafagott: Joe Tersero
- Euphonium, Baryton: Joseph M. Bello
- Waldhorn: Kent A. Wyatt
- Streichbaß: William B. Hones
- Cello: Joan L. Hovda
- Tuba: Edward R. McKee
- Kornett, Kornettbläser: Michael F. Bosch
- Klarinette: Brian G. McCurdy
- Klarinette: Bryan P. Guidry
- Fagott: Lawrence E. Burke
- Klarinette: David B. Aspinwall
- Pikkolo, Piccoloflöte: Ardyth Corliss Scott
- Fagott: Danny K. Phipps
- Kornett, Kornettbläser: Andrew L. Wilson
- es-Klarinette: Janice B. Siegfried
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Aubrey V. Adams
- Waldhorn: Philip E. Krzywicki
- Dirigent: Colonel Lowell E. Graham
- Klarinette: Sandra M. Cox
- Harfe: Eric A. Sabatino
- Klarinette: Carl E. Jr. Long
- Oboe: Ronald B. Erler
- Klarinette: Lorraine Haddad
- Posaune: Jeffrey J. Gaylord
- Klarinette: Robert D. Little
- Cello: Chris Moehlenkamp
- Trompete: Robert K. McConnell
- Klarinette: Dawn M. Henry
- Baßklarinette: Jeffrey I. Snavely
- Waldhorn: Deborah L. Stephenson
- Englischhorn: James H. Moseley
- Klarinette: Brian D. Jones
- Tuba: Christopher T. Quade
- Flöte: Sharon Weinburg Nokes
- Keyboards., Tastaturen: Mitchell J. Morton
- Kornett, Kornettbläser: Curt C. Christensen
- Baritonsaxophon: Jeanne I. Gartner
- Klarinette: Elizabeth K. Campeau
- Klarinette: Richard A. Drew
- Waldhorn: Michael C. Himes
- Kontrabaßposaune: Chris A. Matten
- Tuba: Jan Z. Duga
- Klarinette: George C. Stoffan
- Konzertmeister: George C. Stoffan
- Tuba: William Porter II
- Pauken: Patrick J. Shrieves
- Waldhorn: Leslie Mincer Robillard
- Posaune: Mark R. Williams
- Oboe: Robin L. Forrester Meadows
- Euphonium, Baryton: William Jones
- Klarinette: Shawn K. Buck
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Erica M. Kadison
- Waldhorn: Kathleen L. Monroe
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Marc D. Dinitz
| Forward March!: Great American Marches U.S. Army Band |  | |
| Front & Center: Great American Marches United States Air Force Band
Aufnahmeort und Datum Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts, Annapolis, MD [1998] |  | |
| Sounds of the Circus, Vol. 30 South Shore Concert Band |  | |
| The World's Great Marches Central Band of the Royal Canadian Forces |  | |
| Pass in Review United States Marine Band |  | |
| Music of Hindemith, Holst, Ives, Bennett, Grafulla and Bird Robert Garofalo |  | |