Palestrina: Priego Alla Beata Vergine

Artist Corvina Consort
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Hungaroton

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices 58:57
2 Litaniae de beata virgine Maria, litany for 5 voices 3:54
3 Litaniae de beata virgine Maria, litany for 6 voices 5:49

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 1. Figlio immortal d'immortal Padre, e Figlio 2:15
2 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 2. E se mai voci di quaggiù son grate 1:45
3 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 3. Or tu Sol, che di vivi, almi splendori 2:06
4 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 4. Dammi, Scala del ciel e del ciel Porta 1:47
5 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 5. E se fur già de le mie mani immonde 1:42
6 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 6. Dammi, vermiglia Rosa e bianco e puro 2:03
7 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 7. E se 'l pensier de la futura morte 1:53
8 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 8. Eletta Mirra che suave odore 2:16
9 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 9. Cedro gentil, da gli amorosi vermi 1:50
10 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 10. Fa che con l'acque tue splendenti e vive 1:47
11 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 11. S'amarissimo fele e mortal tosco 2:06
12 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 12. Orto che sei sì chiuso e sì serrato 1:43
13 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 13. E, se nel foco di lascivie ardendo 1:55
14 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 14. Vincitrice de l'empia idra infernale 1:53
15 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 15. Città di Dio, cui fan tempi e fortezze 2:09
16 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 16. Santo Altare, d'odor più veri e degni 2:27
17 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 17. Tu di fortezza Torre, e Torre Eburna 2:06
18 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 18. Specchio che fosti sì polito e terso 1:58
19 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 19. Vello di Gedeon, cui Dio sì largo 1:51
20 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 20. Novella Aurora, che nascendo allegri 1:59
21 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 21. E questo spirto, de la propria sede 1:40
22 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 22. E dal letto di mille e mille colpe 1:43
23 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 23. Ed arda ognor sopra 'l lapideo altare 1:55
24 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 24. E tua mercé da così cieca e folta 1:42
25 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 25. E quella certa speme e quella fede 1:54
26 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 26. Anzi, se foco e ferro e se veleno 1:47
27 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 27. E con i raggi tuoi splendenti e chiari 1:54
28 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 28. Regina de le Vergini e di tutte 2:12
29 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 29. Al fin, Madre di Dio, ché né più bella 2:19
30 Second Book of Spiritual Madrigals for 5 voices - 30. E tu Signor, tu la tua grazia infondi 2:20
31 Litaniae de beata virgine Maria, litany for 5 voices 3:54
32 Litaniae de beata virgine Maria, litany for 6 voices 5:49

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