Why the Dog Chases the Cat

Artist David Holt (David Holt & Bill Mooney)
Bewertung  von 5
Genre Volksmusik
Label High Windy Audio
Erschienen 09.02.2000


# Song Künstler Komponist Dauer
1   Why You Never Hear Rabbit Play Banjo David Holt, Bill Mooney, Bill Mooney David Holt, Bill Mooney 7:45
2   Why the Dog Chases the Cat David Holt, Bill Mooney, Bill Mooney David Holt, Bill Mooney 3:13
3   Trouble or How the Alligator Got Its Hide David Holt, Bill Mooney, Bill Mooney David Holt, Bill Mooney 8:47
4   Is It Deep Enough? David Holt, Bill Mooney, Bill Mooney David Holt, Bill Mooney 8:41
5   Why the Cat Washes Its Paws After It Eats David Holt, Bill Mooney, Bill Mooney David Holt, Bill Mooney 1:38
6   The Whirlwind David Holt, Bill Mooney, Bill Mooney David Holt, Bill Mooney 9:33

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Songtexte von Why the Dog Chases the Cat

Derzeit sind noch keine Songtexte (Lyrics) zu Why the Dog Chases the Cat von David Holt freigeschaltet.

Weitere Releases von Why the Dog Chases the Cat

Datum Typ Label Katalog-Nr.
1994 CD High Windy Audio 1209
1994 Kassette High Windy Audio 1209