The Music for Asenjo & McKinley

Artist David Pihl
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label MMC Recordings
Erschienen 2005

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Effusions: A Symphony of Transitions, for orchestra 19:30
2 Figures Taking Form, for orchestra 9:45
3 The Supplicants, for orchestra 18:06
4 Concerto in two movements, for piano & orchestra 21:14

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Effusions: A Symphony of Transitions, for orchestra - La joie de vivre 6:05
2 Effusions: A Symphony of Transitions, for orchestra - Convictions 5:39
3 Effusions: A Symphony of Transitions, for orchestra - Fiestas 7:46
4 Figures Taking Form, for orchestra 9:45
5 The Supplicants, for orchestra - Prologue 6:45
6 The Supplicants, for orchestra - Anguish and Deliverance 11:21
7 Concerto in two movements, for piano & orchestra - Movement 1 10:02
8 Concerto in two movements, for piano & orchestra - Movement 2 11:12

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