Monterverdi: Chants guerriers et amoureux (Box Set)

Artist Edwin Loehrer
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Barock (1600-1749)
Label Accord

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Altri canti d'amor, dramatic madrigal for 6 voices, 2 violins & 4 violas (from Book 8), SV 146: also includes Sinfonia 10:25
2 Ninfa che scalza il piede, madrigal in 3 sections for 2 & 3 voices (from Book 8), SV 160 5:37
3 Ardo, avvampo, mi struggo, madrigal for 8 voices and 2 violins (from Book 8), SV 152 4:16
4 Ogni amante è guerrier, madrigal in 4 sections for 1-3 voices (from Book 8), SV 151 16:03
5 Chi vol haver felice e lieto il core, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 8), SV 162 2:24
6 Ardo e scoprir, ahi lasso, io non ardisco, madrigal for 2 tenors (from Book 8 & Book 9), SV 158 5:08
7 Vago augelletto, che cantando vai, madrigal for 7 voices, 2 violins & continuo (from Book 8), SV 156 5:06
8 Movete al mio bel suon le piante snelle, semi-dramatic ballet (from Book 8), SV 154 10:47
9 Altri canti di Marte, madrigal for 6 voices and 2 violins (from Book 8), SV 155 9:52
10 Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, dramatic cantata (from Book 8), SV 153 20:33
11 Lamento Della Ninfa, madrigal in 3 sections for 1-4 voices (from Book 8), SV 163: Lamento della ninfa 6:40
12 Perchè t'en fuggi, o Fillide?, madrigal for alto, tenor & bass (from Book 8), SV 164 7:42
13 Hor ch'el ciel e la terra e'l vento tace, madrigal for 6 voices and 2 violins (from Book 8), SV 147 10:15
14 Ballo delle ingrate, semi-dramatic ballet (from Book 8), SV 167 42:02
15 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 18:19
16 Tempro la cetra, madrigal for tenor & strings (from Book 7), SV 117 8:03
17 Se i languidi miei sguardi (Lettera amorosa), madrigal for soprano (from Book 7), SV 141 7:20
18 Con che soavità, labbra odorate, madrigal for soprano and instruments (from Book 7), SV 139 5:48
19 Al lume delle stelle, madrigal for 2 sopranos, tenor & bass (from Book 7), SV 138 5:30
20 Amor che deggio far, madrigal for 2 sopranos, tenor, bass, 2 violins and chittarone/harpsichord (from Book 7), SV 144 6:26
21 Interrotte speranze, madrigal for 2 voices (from Book 7), SV 132 3:23
22 A quest'olmo, a quest'ombre, madrigal for 6 voices, 2 violins and 2 recorders/flutes (from Book 7), SV 119 6:04
23 Tu dormi? Ah crudo core, for soprano, alto, tenor & bass (from Book 7), SV 137 3:52
24 Tirsi e Clori, ballet (from Book 7), SV 145 12:28

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Altri canti d'amor, dramatic madrigal for 6 voices, 2 violins & 4 violas (from Book 8), SV 146 - also includes Sinfonia 10:25
2 Ninfa che scalza il piede, madrigal in 3 sections for 2 & 3 voices (from Book 8), SV 160 - Ninfa 1:36
3 Ninfa che scalza il piede, madrigal in 3 sections for 2 & 3 voices (from Book 8), SV 160 - Qui deh meco 1:33
4 Ninfa che scalza il piede, madrigal in 3 sections for 2 & 3 voices (from Book 8), SV 160 - Dell' usate mie corde 2:28
5 Ardo, avvampo, mi struggo, madrigal for 8 voices and 2 violins (from Book 8), SV 152 4:16
6 Ogni amante è guerrier, madrigal in 4 sections for 1-3 voices (from Book 8), SV 151 - Ogni amante e guerrier 5:24
7 Ogni amante è guerrier, madrigal in 4 sections for 1-3 voices (from Book 8), SV 151 - Io che nell' otio nacqui 8:26
8 Ogni amante è guerrier, madrigal in 4 sections for 1-3 voices (from Book 8), SV 151 - Ma per quel ampio 1:02
9 Ogni amante è guerrier, madrigal in 4 sections for 1-3 voices (from Book 8), SV 151 - Riedi 1:11
10 Chi vol haver felice e lieto il core, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 8), SV 162 2:24
11 Ardo e scoprir, ahi lasso, io non ardisco, madrigal for 2 tenors (from Book 8 & Book 9), SV 158 5:08
12 Vago augelletto, che cantando vai, madrigal for 7 voices, 2 violins & continuo (from Book 8), SV 156 5:06
13 Movete al mio bel suon le piante snelle, semi-dramatic ballet (from Book 8), SV 154 10:47
14 Altri canti di Marte, madrigal for 6 voices and 2 violins (from Book 8), SV 155   -
15 Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, dramatic cantata (from Book 8), SV 153   -
16 Lamento Della Ninfa, madrigal in 3 sections for 1-4 voices (from Book 8), SV 163 - Lamento della ninfa   -
17 Perchè t'en fuggi, o Fillide?, madrigal for alto, tenor & bass (from Book 8), SV 164   -
18 Hor ch'el ciel e la terra e'l vento tace, madrigal for 6 voices and 2 violins (from Book 8), SV 147   -
19 Ballo delle ingrate, semi-dramatic ballet (from Book 8), SV 167   -
20 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Incenerite spoglie, avara tomba   -
21 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Ditelo o fiumi e voi ch'udiste Glauco   -
22 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Darà la notte il sol lume alla terra   -
23 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Ma te raccoglie, o Ninfa, in grembo il cielo   -
24 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - O chiome d'or, neve gentil del seno   -
25 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Dunque amate reliquie un mar di pianto   -
26 Tempro la cetra, madrigal for tenor & strings (from Book 7), SV 117   -
27 Se i languidi miei sguardi (Lettera amorosa), madrigal for soprano (from Book 7), SV 141   -
28 Con che soavità, labbra odorate, madrigal for soprano and instruments (from Book 7), SV 139   -
29 Al lume delle stelle, madrigal for 2 sopranos, tenor & bass (from Book 7), SV 138   -
30 Amor che deggio far, madrigal for 2 sopranos, tenor, bass, 2 violins and chittarone/harpsichord (from Book 7), SV 144   -
31 Interrotte speranze, madrigal for 2 voices (from Book 7), SV 132   -
32 A quest'olmo, a quest'ombre, madrigal for 6 voices, 2 violins and 2 recorders/flutes (from Book 7), SV 119   -
33 Tu dormi? Ah crudo core, for soprano, alto, tenor & bass (from Book 7), SV 137   -
34 Tirsi e Clori, ballet (from Book 7), SV 145   -

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