Dances With Harpsichords

Artist Elaine Funaro
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Centaur Records
Erschienen 2003

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Lambert's Clavichord: Twelve Pieces for Clavichord, Op 41: Hughes Ballet 1:26
2 Lambert's Clavichord: Twelve Pieces for Clavichord, Op 41: de La Mere Pavane 3:17
3 Lambert's Clavichord: Twelve Pieces for Clavichord, Op 41: Sir Hugh's Galliard 1:18
4 Dances from Colca Canyon, for keyboard 7:39
5 Pequena Suite Brasileira, for harpsichord 7:06
6 Suite No. 1, for harpsichord: Tambourin 3:03
7 Bulgarian Dances (3), for harpsichord 6:35
8 Suite Española, for harpsichord 10:48
9 Rigadon, for harpsichord 4:08
10 Innocent Dances (7), for harpsichord 7:56
11 Three Odd Meters, for harpsichord 4:59
12 Bossa Nova, for harpsichord 1:47
13 Downtown Swagger Rag, for harpsichord 5:11
14 Fandangle Indeed, for harpsichord 7:18

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Lambert's Clavichord: Twelve Pieces for Clavichord, Op 41 - Hughes Ballet 1:26
2 Lambert's Clavichord: Twelve Pieces for Clavichord, Op 41 - de La Mere Pavane 3:17
3 Lambert's Clavichord: Twelve Pieces for Clavichord, Op 41 - Sir Hugh's Galliard 1:18
4 Dances from Colca Canyon, for keyboard - Callalli :53
5 Dances from Colca Canyon, for keyboard - Coporaque :50
6 Dances from Colca Canyon, for keyboard - Yanquye 1:35
7 Dances from Colca Canyon, for keyboard - Achoma 1:45
8 Dances from Colca Canyon, for keyboard - Pinchollo 1:20
9 Dances from Colca Canyon, for keyboard - Maca 1:16
10 Pequena Suite Brasileira, for harpsichord - Samba 1:02
11 Pequena Suite Brasileira, for harpsichord - Cantiga de Roda 1:21
12 Pequena Suite Brasileira, for harpsichord - Dança Negra :46
13 Pequena Suite Brasileira, for harpsichord - Cantiga de Cego 1:12
14 Pequena Suite Brasileira, for harpsichord - Capoeira 1:29
15 Pequena Suite Brasileira, for harpsichord - Desafio 1:16
16 Suite No. 1, for harpsichord - Tambourin 3:03
17 Bulgarian Dances (3), for harpsichord - Pravo 1:52
18 Bulgarian Dances (3), for harpsichord - Les Noto 2:46
19 Bulgarian Dances (3), for harpsichord - Ruchenitsa 1:57
20 Suite Española, for harpsichord - Malagueña 2:52
21 Suite Española, for harpsichord - Romanza 2:45
22 Suite Española, for harpsichord - Seguidillas 3:27
23 Suite Española, for harpsichord - Tango 1:44
24 Rigadon, for harpsichord 4:08
25 Innocent Dances (7), for harpsichord - With Casualness :52
26 Innocent Dances (7), for harpsichord - With Resolve 1:20
27 Innocent Dances (7), for harpsichord - With Playfulness 1:03
28 Innocent Dances (7), for harpsichord - With Excitement 1:07
29 Innocent Dances (7), for harpsichord - With Fire :35
30 Innocent Dances (7), for harpsichord - With Pomposity 2:03
31 Innocent Dances (7), for harpsichord - With Steadiness :56
32 Three Odd Meters, for harpsichord - 3+3+4 1:31
33 Three Odd Meters, for harpsichord - Pentatempo Waltz 2:30
34 Three Odd Meters, for harpsichord - Two-Timing :58
35 Bossa Nova, for harpsichord 1:47
36 Downtown Swagger Rag, for harpsichord 5:11
37 Fandangle Indeed, for harpsichord 7:18

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