John Ireland: The Piano Music

Artist Eric Parkin
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Lyrita
Erschienen 2007

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Decorations, pieces (3) for piano 10:15
2 The Almond Tree, for piano 3:33
3 Preludes, pieces (4) for piano 11:03
4 Prelude, for piano in E flat major 5:14
5 Rhapsody, for piano 7:50
6 The Towing Path, for piano 3:40
7 Merry Andrew, for piano 3:02
8 London Pieces, pieces (3) for piano 11:32
9 Summer Evening, for piano 4:15
10 Piano Sonata in E minor 24:05
11 Pieces (2), for piano (1921) 7:01
12 The Darkened Valley, for piano 3:42
13 Equinox, for piano 2:22
14 On a birthday morning, for piano 3:19
15 Soliloquy, for piano 3:13
16 Pieces (2), for piano (1925) 7:48
17 Piano Sonatina 9:50
18 Ballad, for piano 9:26
19 Pieces (2), for piano (1929-30) 7:52
20 Month's Mind, for piano 4:25
21 Green Ways: Three Lyric Pieces, for piano 8:01
22 Sarnia: An Island Sequence, pieces (3) for piano 20:30

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Decorations, pieces (3) for piano - 1. The Island Spell 4:10
2 Decorations, pieces (3) for piano - 2. Moonglade 3:03
3 Decorations, pieces (3) for piano - 3. The Scarlet Ceremonies 3:02
4 The Almond Tree, for piano 3:33
5 Preludes, pieces (4) for piano - 1. The Undertone 4:00
6 Preludes, pieces (4) for piano - 2. Obsession 2:32
7 Preludes, pieces (4) for piano - 3. The Holy Boy 2:37
8 Preludes, pieces (4) for piano - 4. Fire of Spring 1:54
9 Prelude, for piano in E flat major 5:14
10 Rhapsody, for piano 7:50
11 The Towing Path, for piano 3:40
12 Merry Andrew, for piano 3:02
13 London Pieces, pieces (3) for piano - 1. Chelsea Reach 6:08
14 London Pieces, pieces (3) for piano - 2. Ragamuffin 2:16
15 London Pieces, pieces (3) for piano - 3. Soho Forenoons 3:08
16 Summer Evening, for piano 4:15
17 Piano Sonata in E minor - 1. Allegro moderato 6:26
18 Piano Sonata in E minor - 2. Non troppo lento 10:23
19 Piano Sonata in E minor - 3. Con moto moderato 7:16
20 Pieces (2), for piano (1921) - 1. For Remembrance 3:43
21 Pieces (2), for piano (1921) - 2. Amberley Wild Brooks 3:18
22 The Darkened Valley, for piano 3:42
23 Equinox, for piano 2:22
24 On a birthday morning, for piano 3:19
25 Soliloquy, for piano 3:13
26 Pieces (2), for piano (1925) - 1. April 4:16
27 Pieces (2), for piano (1925) - 2. Bergomask 3:32
28 Piano Sonatina - 1. Moderato 4:15
29 Piano Sonatina - 2. Quasi lento 3:07
30 Piano Sonatina - 3. Rondo. Ritmico, non troppo allegro 2:28
31 Ballad, for piano 9:26
32 Pieces (2), for piano (1929-30) - 1. February's Child 4:37
33 Pieces (2), for piano (1929-30) - 2. Aubade 3:15
34 Month's Mind, for piano 4:25
35 Green Ways: Three Lyric Pieces, for piano - 1. The Cherry Trees 2:34
36 Green Ways: Three Lyric Pieces, for piano - 2. Cypress 2:45
37 Green Ways: Three Lyric Pieces, for piano - 3. The Palm and May 2:42
38 Sarnia: An Island Sequence, pieces (3) for piano - 1. Le Catioroc 7:21
39 Sarnia: An Island Sequence, pieces (3) for piano - 2. In a May Morning 6:33
40 Sarnia: An Island Sequence, pieces (3) for piano - 3. song of the Springtides 6:36

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