The Color of the Word

Artist Georgine Resick
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Bridge
Erschienen 2008

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Nachtzauber ("Hörst du nicht die Quellen rauschen"), for voice & piano (Eichendorff Lieder, 8) 4:35
2 Nimmersatte Liebe ("So ist die Lieb!"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 2:32
3 Zur Ruh, zur Ruh!, song for voice & piano (Sechs Gedichte) 2:54
4 Auf einer Wanderung ("In ein freudliches Städtchen"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 3:16
5 Das verlassene Mägdlein ("Früh, wann die Hähne krähn"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 3:10
6 Mein Liebster ist so klein, song for voice & piano (Italienisches Liederbuch) 1:38
7 Fables (3) de Jean de la Fontaine, for voice & piano 12:02
8 Within four walls (V chetïryokh stenakh), song for voice & piano (Sunless No. 1) 2:09
9 On the Hobbyhorse (Poyekhal na palochke), song for voice & piano (The Nursery No. 6) 3:50
10 The Street Urchin (Ozornik; The Ragamuffin), song for voice & piano 2:28
11 Death's cradle-song (Kolïbel'naya), song for voice & piano (Songs & Dances of Death No. 2) 5:30
12 A Society Tale: The Goat (Svetskaya skazochka: kozyol), song for voice & piano 2:24
13 Gopak (Hopak), song for voice & piano 3:16
14 Chansons de Bilitis (3), song cycle for voice & piano, L. 90 9:51
15 From rosie bow'rs (from "Don Quixote"), song, Z. 578/9 7:14
16 Kind fortune smiles (from "The Tempest"), soprano aria, Z. 631/8 1:16
17 How I sigh when I think of the charms, song for soprano & continuo, Z. 374 0:37
18 Nymphs and Shepherds (from "The Libertine"), song, Z. 600/1 1:19

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Nachtzauber ("Hörst du nicht die Quellen rauschen"), for voice & piano (Eichendorff Lieder, 8) 4:35
1 Nachtzauber ("Hörst du nicht die Quellen rauschen"), for voice & piano (Eichendorff Lieder, 8) 4:35
2 Nimmersatte Liebe ("So ist die Lieb!"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 2:32
2 Nimmersatte Liebe ("So ist die Lieb!"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 2:32
3 Zur Ruh, zur Ruh!, song for voice & piano (Sechs Gedichte) 2:54
3 Zur Ruh, zur Ruh!, song for voice & piano (Sechs Gedichte) 2:54
4 Auf einer Wanderung ("In ein freudliches Städtchen"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 3:16
4 Auf einer Wanderung ("In ein freudliches Städtchen"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 3:16
5 Das verlassene Mägdlein ("Früh, wann die Hähne krähn"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 3:10
5 Das verlassene Mägdlein ("Früh, wann die Hähne krähn"), song for voice & piano (Mörike Lieder) 3:10
6 Mein Liebster ist so klein, song for voice & piano (Italienisches Liederbuch) 1:38
6 Mein Liebster ist so klein, song for voice & piano (Italienisches Liederbuch) 1:38
7 Fables (3) de Jean de la Fontaine, for voice & piano - Le Corbeau et le Renard 3:27
7 Fables (3) de Jean de la Fontaine, for voice & piano - Le Corbeau et le Renard 3:27
8 Fables (3) de Jean de la Fontaine, for voice & piano - La Cigale et la Fourmi 4:00
8 Fables (3) de Jean de la Fontaine, for voice & piano - La Cigale et la Fourmi 4:00
9 Fables (3) de Jean de la Fontaine, for voice & piano - Le Loup et l'Agneau 4:35
9 Fables (3) de Jean de la Fontaine, for voice & piano - Le Loup et l'Agneau 4:35
10 Within four walls (V chetïryokh stenakh), song for voice & piano (Sunless No. 1) 2:09
10 Within four walls (V chetïryokh stenakh), song for voice & piano (Sunless No. 1) 2:09
11 On the Hobbyhorse (Poyekhal na palochke), song for voice & piano (The Nursery No. 6) 3:50
11 On the Hobbyhorse (Poyekhal na palochke), song for voice & piano (The Nursery No. 6) 3:50
12 The Street Urchin (Ozornik; The Ragamuffin), song for voice & piano 2:28
12 The Street Urchin (Ozornik; The Ragamuffin), song for voice & piano 2:28
13 Death's cradle-song (Kolïbel'naya), song for voice & piano (Songs & Dances of Death No. 2) 5:30
13 Death's cradle-song (Kolïbel'naya), song for voice & piano (Songs & Dances of Death No. 2) 5:30
14 A Society Tale: The Goat (Svetskaya skazochka: kozyol), song for voice & piano 2:24
14 A Society Tale: The Goat (Svetskaya skazochka: kozyol), song for voice & piano 2:24
15 Gopak (Hopak), song for voice & piano 3:16
15 Gopak (Hopak), song for voice & piano 3:16
16 Chansons de Bilitis (3), song cycle for voice & piano, L. 90 - La flûte de Pan 3:10
16 Chansons de Bilitis (3), song cycle for voice & piano, L. 90 - La flûte de Pan 3:10
17 Chansons de Bilitis (3), song cycle for voice & piano, L. 90 - La chevelure 3:42
17 Chansons de Bilitis (3), song cycle for voice & piano, L. 90 - La chevelure 3:42
18 Chansons de Bilitis (3), song cycle for voice & piano, L. 90 - Le tombeau des Naïades 2:59
18 Chansons de Bilitis (3), song cycle for voice & piano, L. 90 - Le tombeau des Naïades 2:59
19 From rosie bow'rs (from "Don Quixote"), song, Z. 578/9 7:14
19 From rosie bow'rs (from "Don Quixote"), song, Z. 578/9 7:14
20 Kind fortune smiles (from "The Tempest"), soprano aria, Z. 631/8 1:16
20 Kind fortune smiles (from "The Tempest"), soprano aria, Z. 631/8 1:16
21 How I sigh when I think of the charms, song for soprano & continuo, Z. 374 :37
21 How I sigh when I think of the charms, song for soprano & continuo, Z. 374 :37
22 Nymphs and Shepherds (from "The Libertine"), song, Z. 600/1 1:19
22 Nymphs and Shepherds (from "The Libertine"), song, Z. 600/1 1:19

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