João Rodrigues Esteves: Miserere, Lamentations, Stabat Mater

Artist Graham O'Reilly
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Barock (1600-1749)
Label Ambronay
Erschienen 2006

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Miserere, for 3 choruses (3 to 8 voices) 17:20
2 Missa for 8 Voices: Kyrie 4:39
3 Missa for 8 Voices: Gloria 4:43
4 Lamentationes Jeremiae, for 8 voices 10:46
5 Stabat Mater 21:35
6 Missa for 8 Voices: Credo 5:23
7 Missa for 8 Voices: Sanctus 2:55
8 Missa for 8 Voices: Agnus Dei 1:51
9 Cum turba plurima, for 8 voices 4:06

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Miserere, for 3 choruses (3 to 8 voices) 17:20
2 Missa for 8 Voices - Kyrie 4:39
3 Missa for 8 Voices - Gloria 4:43
4 Lamentationes Jeremiae, for 8 voices 10:46
5 Stabat Mater - Stabat mater dolorosa 4:32
6 Stabat Mater - Quis est homo 1:52
7 Stabat Mater - Quis non posset 1:30
8 Stabat Mater - Pro peccatis suae gentis 1:18
9 Stabat Mater - Eja mater, fons amoris 1:20
10 Stabat Mater - Fac ut ardeat cor meum :56
11 Stabat Mater - Sancta mater, istud agas 1:45
12 Stabat Mater - Fac me vere tecum flere 1:13
13 Stabat Mater - Juxta crucem tecum stare 1:11
14 Stabat Mater - Virgo virginem praeclara 1:35
15 Stabat Mater - Fac, ut portem Christi mortem 4:23
16 Missa for 8 Voices - Credo 5:23
17 Missa for 8 Voices - Sanctus 2:55
18 Missa for 8 Voices - Agnus Dei 1:51
19 Cum turba plurima, for 8 voices 4:06

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