| Gregorian High Days (Box Set) Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Klankstudio Steurbaut, Gent, Belgium [1984] |  | |
| A Women's Celebration of Chant & Harmony Grail Singers
Aufnahmeort und Datum Grailville Loveland, OH [1994] |  | |
| Christmas Eve Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum L'Eglise Paroissiale de la Sainte Famille de Zugliget, Budapest, Hungary [1991] |  | |
| Gregorian Chant: Midnight Mass for Queen Mary Tudor Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Charterhouse Chapel, Godalming, Surrey, England [1995] |  | |
| Favorite Gregorian Chants Various Artists |  | |
| Chant Grégorien-Noël Dom Joseph Gajard |  | |
| La Nuit De Noel Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum l'église paroisssiale de la Sainte Famille de Zugliget, Budapest, Hungary [1991] |  | |
| Missa cum jubilo Various Artists |  | |
| A Child Is Born: A Chant Christmas Trappist Monks Choir of the Cistercian Abbey |  | |
| Gregorian Chant - Early Recordings Various Artists |  | |
| A Woman's Celebration of Chant and Harmony Grail Singers
Aufnahmeort und Datum Grailville in Loveland, OH [1994] |  | |
| Gregorian High Days: Advent and Christmas Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Klankstudio Steurbaut, Gent, Belgium [1984] |  | |
| Ceremony of the Shepherds and Midnight Mass Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Private Chapel, Arundel Castle [1995] |  | |
| The Chants of Christmas Richard Pugsley |  | |
| Gregorian Chant, Christmas Chants Various Artists |  | |
| Gregorian Anthology: Following the Rhythm of the Liturgy Saint Pierre de Solesmes Abbey Monks' Choir |  | |
| Christmas Chant Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Stanbrook Abbey [1987] |  | |
| Noël Dom Jean Claire |  | |
| Christmas Saint Pierre de Solesmes Abbey Monks' Choir |  | |
| Gregorian Chant: Noel Benedictine Abbey of St. Pierre Choir, Solesmes |  | |