| Chant Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos |  | |
| Ars Gregoriana 6: Responsorium / Cantus ad processionem Various Artists |  | |
| Chant Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos |  | |
| A Child Is Born: A Chant Christmas Trappist Monks Choir of the Cistercian Abbey |  | |
| Canto Gregoriano Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos
Aufnahmeort und Datum Iglesia del Monasterio Benedictino de Santo Domingo de Silos [1973] |  | |
| Chant Collection Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos |  | |
| Sacred Songs, Vol. 2: Gregorian Chants Various Artists |  | |
| Gregorian Chant, Christmas Chants Various Artists |  | |
| Christmas Chant Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Stanbrook Abbey [1987] |  | |
| Otfrid von Weißenburg: Liber Evengeliorum Ensemble Officium
Aufnahmeort und Datum Ev. Kirche Gönningen [2005] |  | |
| Las Megores Obras del Canto Gregoriano Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos |  | |
| Gregorian Chant Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos
Aufnahmeort und Datum Monastery Santo Domingo de Silos, Burgos, Spain [1981] |  | |
| Anthology: Chants & Polyphony from St. Michael's Abbey Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey |  | |
| Danck unde Loff: Music from Wienhausen Convent Ensemble devotio moderna |  | |
| Chant / Chant II Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos |  | |