| Let Freedom Sing Phoenix Boys Choir |  | |
| Tranzdanze Monica Robelotto |  | |
| Harold Arlen: Over the Rainbow Harold Arlen |  | |
| Puttin' on the Ritz: The Great Hollywood Musicals Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
Aufnahmeort und Datum Music Hall, Cincinnati, OH [1994] |  | - Komponist: Harold Arlen
- Violine, Geige: Paul Patterson
- Baß: Frank Proto
- Elektrischer Baß: Frank Proto
- Viola, Bratsche: Martin Allen
- Flöte: Randolph Bowman
- Violine, Geige: Kiki Bussell
- Violine, Geige: Eliot Chapo
- Konzertmeister: Eliot Chapo
- Orchester: Cincinnati Pops Orchestra
- Trompete: Philip Collins
- Pauken: Eugene Espino
- Gesang: Jerry Hadley
- Viola, Bratsche: Robert Howes
- Violine, Geige: Gerald Itzkoff
- Cello: Eric Kim
- Dirigent: Erich Kunzel
- Gesang: Lee Roy Reams
- Trommeln: Ed Shaughnessy
- Gesang: Bobby Short
- Regisseur: Robert E. Stoll
- Harfe: Juliet Stratton
- Gesang: Frederica Von Stade
- Fagott: William Winstead
- Violine, Geige: Stacey Woolley
- Baß: Wayne Anderson
- Baß: Barry Green
- Englischhorn: William Harrod
- Trompete: Marie Speziale
- Gesang: Leslie Uggams
- Gesang: Michael Feinstein
- Keyboards., Tastaturen: Julie Spangler
- Oboe: Michael Kenyon
- Posaune: Paul Piller
- Gesang: Jeremy Davenport
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: William Platt
- Waldhorn: Thomas Sherwood
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Culnan
- Klarinette: Richard Hawley
- Viola, Bratsche: Steve Rosen
- Waldhorn: Duane Dugger
- Violine, Geige: Sylvia Mitchell
- Flöte: Rochelle Doepke
- Cello: Norman Johns
- Violine, Geige: Don Gibson
- Trompete: Steve Pride
- Saxophon: Joe Gaudio
- Cello: Gerri Sutyak
- Banjo: Tim Berens
- Gitarre: Tim Berens
- Saxophon: Herb Aronoff
- Saxophon: Larry Dickson
- Gesang: Valerie Wilson
- Violine, Geige: David Moore
- Baß: James Lambert
- Viola, Bratsche: Paul Frankenfeld
- Cello: Charles Snavely
- Oboe: Lon Bussell
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: David Fishlock
- Viola, Bratsche: Marna Street
- Waldhorn: Robin L. Graham
- Violine, Geige: Harold Byers
- Viola, Bratsche: Mark Cleghorn
- Violine, Geige: Conny Kiradjieff
- Baß: Charles Van Ornum
- Violine, Geige: Ronald Konieczka
- Viola, Bratsche: Julian Wilkison
- Violine, Geige: Sylvia Samis
- Violine, Geige: Serge Shababian
- Trompete: Steven Pride
- Viola, Bratsche: Mary Olson
- Pikkolo, Piccoloflöte: Joan Voorhees
- Viola, Bratsche: Joseph Somogyi
- Gesang: Esther Mullens
- Posaune: James Eastman
- Violine, Geige: Joseph Fafard
- Flöte: Kyril Magg
- Trompete: Douglas Lindsay
- Violine, Geige: Catherine Lange
- Violine, Geige: Lois Reid Johnson
- Waldhorn: Charles Bell
- Posaune: Tony Chipurn
- Viola, Bratsche: Sari Eringer-Thoman
- Violine, Geige: Chiun-Teng Cheng
- Saxophon: Mike Andres
- Violine, Geige: Darla Da Deppo Bertolone
- Fagott: Martin James
- Waldhorn: Milton Blalack
- Kontrafagott: Frank Heintz
- Cello: Matthew Lad
- Saxophon: Jim Sherrick
- Baß: Rick Vizachero
- Violine, Geige: Oscar Rubens Fernandez
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Rich Jensen
- Fagott: Hugh Michie
- Tuba: Michael Antonio Thornton
- Cello: Carlos Zavala
- Baß: Matthew Zory, Jr.
- Violine, Geige: Stephen Schaefer
- Violine, Geige: Gayna Mandelbaum Bassin
- Baßklarinette: Ronald Aufmann
- Violine, Geige: James Braid
- Violine, Geige: Laurie Howard
- Viola, Bratsche: Raymond Stilweil
- Viola, Bratsche: Judith Martin
- Violine, Geige: Borivoje Angelich
- Klarinette: Richard Porotsky
- Violine, Geige: Hye-Sun Park
- Violine, Geige: Lui-Jia Wu
- Klarinette: Carmine Campione
- Kontrabaßposaune: Peter Norton
- Cello: Dana Rusinak
- Gesang: Edward C. Hayes
- Cello: Daniel Culnan
- Cello: Susan Marshall-Petersen
- Violine, Geige: Drake C. Ash
- Violine, Geige: Denise Doolan
- Waldhorn: Robert Schauer
- Violine, Geige: Michelle Edgar Dugan
- Gesang: Alison Streeter
- Violine, Geige: DeAnne Cleghorn
- Oboe: Richard G. Johnson
- Violine, Geige: Rebbeca Kruger
- Trompete: Charles Pagnard
- Violine, Geige: Scott Mozlin
- Baß: Ronald Boziecevich
- Cello: Laura McLellan
- Gesang: Branch Fields
| Get Happy! King's Singers
Aufnahmeort und Datum EMI Abbey Road Studios, London, England [1990] |  | |
| Thanks for the Memory Various Artists |  | |
| Over the Rainbow Various Artists |  | |
| Beauty and the Beast: Galway at the Movies James Galway |  | |
| Great American Songbook Dick Hyman
Sätze aus diesem Werk Over the rainbow |  | |
| Dee Carstensen: Home away from home Dee Carstensen |  | |
| Courtois Showcase Various Artists |  | |
| Cherishing Various Artists |  | |
| Theatre Organ: Wurlitzer & Compton Organs Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Paramount Organ Studios [1981] |  | |
| Les Grandes Chansons de la Liberation 1944 - 1994 Vol. 2 Various Artists |  | |
| Vocal Gershwin and Ellington Ruth Nabal
Aufnahmeort und Datum Estudis Bit a Beat [1998] |  | |
| The Mantovani Orchestra [Box Set] Mantovani Orchestra |  | |
| Trumpet Evergreens Ketil Christensen
Aufnahmeort und Datum Focus Recording Studio [1989] |  | |
| Best by Farr, Vol. 2 Ray Farr |  | |
| Songs of Love Plácido Domingo |  | |
| Be My Love: An Album of Love Plácido Domingo |  | |
| Dolce Far Niente Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Concert Hall of the Museum of Ancient Mazovian Metallurgy, Pruszkow [1998] |  | |
| Hollywood: Celebri Colonne Sonore Originali, Vol. 1 Various Artists |  | |
| Dorothy Over the Rainbow: Improvisations on the Great Organ Dorothy Papadakos
Aufnahmeort und Datum The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, New York, NY [1996] |  | |
| Musical Wonderland Various Artists |  | |
| The Majestic [Original Motion Picture Soundtrack] Various Artists |  | |