Britten: The Choral Works II

Artist Harry Christophers
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Collins Records
Erschienen 1993

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Antiphon, for chorus & organ, Op. 56b 5:25
2 Te Deum, for trumpet, chorus & organ in C major 8:37
3 A Wedding Anthem, for soprano, tenor, chorus & organ, Op. 46 8:59
4 Rejoice in the Lamb, festival cantata for trumpet, ATB soloists, chorus & organ, Op. 30 16:58
5 The Sycamore Tree, carol for chorus 1:44
6 Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard, for male chorus & piano 8:36
7 Advance Democracy, for double chorus 3:14
8 Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91 15:52

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Antiphon, for chorus & organ, Op. 56b 5:25
2 Te Deum, for trumpet, chorus & organ in C major 8:37
3 A Wedding Anthem, for soprano, tenor, chorus & organ, Op. 46 8:59
4 Rejoice in the Lamb, festival cantata for trumpet, ATB soloists, chorus & organ, Op. 30 16:58
5 The Sycamore Tree, carol for chorus 1:44
6 Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard, for male chorus & piano 8:36
7 Advance Democracy, for double chorus 3:14
8 Sacred and Profane, medieval lyrics (8) for SSATB chorus, Op. 91 15:52

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