English and Italian Renaissance Madrigals

Artist Hilliard Ensemble
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Virgin
Erschienen 1999

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Cantiam lieti cantiamo 1:59
2 E d'un bel matin d'amore 0:53
3 Quella bella e biancha mano 3:13
4 Una leggiadra nimpha 3:13
5 Venite amanti insieme 2:24
6 Divini occhi sereni, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:45
7 Con l'angelico riso, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:59
8 Madonna il tuo bel viso, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 3:08
9 Fuggi, fuggi, cor mio, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:35
10 Si lieta e grata morte, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 3:29
11 Se la dura durezza in la mia donna, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/52 1:53
12 Ahime, dov' è'l bel viso, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/1 2:23
13 Madonna, s'io v'offendo, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/31 1:52
14 Il bianco e dolce cigno, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/18 2:04
15 Donne, venète al ballo 3:01
16 Morir non può il mio cuore 1:58
17 Se la mia vita da l'aspro tormento, madrigal for 4 voices (Il primo libro de madrigali a 4-6 voci) 4:56
18 Mia benigna fortuna 3:07
19 Anchor che col partire, madrigal 2:32
20 O sonno, madrigal 3:22
21 Chi la Gagliarda 3:25
22 Madonna mia famme bon'offerta, canzona for 4 voices 3:01
23 Medici noi siamo 4:37
24 Quandro sarà mai quel zorno 4:24
25 Matona mia cara, villanelle for 4 voices, S. x/93 2:32
26 Tri ciechi siamo 2:04
27 O griefe, even on the bud, madrigal for 5 voices 2:07
28 When, loe, by breake of morning, madrigal for 2 voices 1:42
29 Aprill is in my mistris face, madrigal for 4 voices 1:28
30 Thule the period of cosmographie, madrigal in 2 sections for 6 voices 4:52
31 Sweet nimphe, come to thy lover, madrigal for 2 voices 1:41
32 Sweet Hony Sucking Bees, madrigal 4:54
33 Miraculous love's wounding, madrigal for 2 voices 3:07
34 Adieu, sweet Amaryllis, madrigal (No. 12, The First Set of English Madrigals) 2:53
35 Weep, O mine Eyes (from Madrigals to four voyces) 2:42
36 The silver swanne, madrigal for 5 voices 1:49
37 O care wilt thou dispatch mee, madrigal in 2 sections for 5 voices 4:44
38 Since Robin Hood, madrigal for 3 voices 1:28
39 Fyre and lightning from heaven, madrigal for 2 voices 0:58
40 Strike it up tabor, madrigal for 3 voices 1:41
41 See, See the Shepheards' Queene for 5 voices (madrigal) 2:03
42 Come, Sable Night 5:42
43 Sweet Suffolke Owle 2:41
44 In nets of goulden wyers, madrigals for 2 voices 3:00
45 Draw On, Sweet Night, Best Friend unto Those Cares, madrigal 5:32

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Cantiam lieti cantiamo 1:59
1 Cantiam lieti cantiamo 1:59
2 E d'un bel matin d'amore :53
2 E d'un bel matin d'amore :53
3 Quella bella e biancha mano 3:13
3 Quella bella e biancha mano 3:13
4 Una leggiadra nimpha 3:13
4 Una leggiadra nimpha 3:13
5 Venite amanti insieme 2:24
5 Venite amanti insieme 2:24
6 Divini occhi sereni, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:45
6 Divini occhi sereni, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:45
7 Con l'angelico riso, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:59
7 Con l'angelico riso, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:59
8 Madonna il tuo bel viso, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 3:08
8 Madonna il tuo bel viso, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 3:08
9 Fuggi, fuggi, cor mio, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:35
9 Fuggi, fuggi, cor mio, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 1:35
10 Si lieta e grata morte, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 3:29
10 Si lieta e grata morte, madrigal for 4 voices (also for voice & lute, arranged by Willaert) 3:29
11 Se la dura durezza in la mia donna, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/52 1:53
11 Se la dura durezza in la mia donna, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/52 1:53
12 Ahime, dov' è'l bel viso, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/1 2:23
12 Ahime, dov' è'l bel viso, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/1 2:23
13 Madonna, s'io v'offendo, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/31 1:52
13 Madonna, s'io v'offendo, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/31 1:52
14 Il bianco e dolce cigno, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/18 2:04
14 Il bianco e dolce cigno, madrigal for 4 voices, S. 2/18 2:04
15 Donne, venète al ballo 3:01
15 Donne, venète al ballo 3:01
16 Morir non può il mio cuore 1:58
16 Morir non può il mio cuore 1:58
17 Se la mia vita da l'aspro tormento, madrigal for 4 voices (Il primo libro de madrigali a 4-6 voci) 4:56
17 Se la mia vita da l'aspro tormento, madrigal for 4 voices (Il primo libro de madrigali a 4-6 voci) 4:56
18 Mia benigna fortuna 3:07
18 Mia benigna fortuna 3:07
19 Anchor che col partire, madrigal 2:32
19 Anchor che col partire, madrigal 2:32
20 O sonno, madrigal 3:22
20 O sonno, madrigal 3:22
21 Chi la Gagliarda 3:25
21 Chi la Gagliarda 3:25
22 Madonna mia famme bon'offerta, canzona for 4 voices 3:01
22 Madonna mia famme bon'offerta, canzona for 4 voices 3:01
23 Medici noi siamo 4:37
23 Medici noi siamo 4:37
24 Quandro sarà mai quel zorno 4:24
24 Quandro sarà mai quel zorno 4:24
25 Matona mia cara, villanelle for 4 voices, S. x/93 2:32
25 Matona mia cara, villanelle for 4 voices, S. x/93 2:32
26 Tri ciechi siamo 2:04
26 Tri ciechi siamo 2:04
27 O griefe, even on the bud, madrigal for 5 voices 2:07
27 O griefe, even on the bud, madrigal for 5 voices 2:07
28 When, loe, by breake of morning, madrigal for 2 voices 1:42
28 When, loe, by breake of morning, madrigal for 2 voices 1:42
29 Aprill is in my mistris face, madrigal for 4 voices 1:28
29 Aprill is in my mistris face, madrigal for 4 voices 1:28
30 Thule the period of cosmographie, madrigal in 2 sections for 6 voices - The first part 2:28
30 Thule the period of cosmographie, madrigal in 2 sections for 6 voices - The first part 2:28
31 Thule the period of cosmographie, madrigal in 2 sections for 6 voices - The second part 2:24
31 Thule the period of cosmographie, madrigal in 2 sections for 6 voices - The second part 2:24
32 Sweet nimphe, come to thy lover, madrigal for 2 voices 1:41
32 Sweet nimphe, come to thy lover, madrigal for 2 voices 1:41
33 Sweet Hony Sucking Bees, madrigal - The first part 1:57
33 Sweet Hony Sucking Bees, madrigal - The first part 1:57
34 Sweet Hony Sucking Bees, madrigal - The second part 2:57
34 Sweet Hony Sucking Bees, madrigal - The second part 2:57
35 Miraculous love's wounding, madrigal for 2 voices 3:07
35 Miraculous love's wounding, madrigal for 2 voices 3:07
36 Adieu, sweet Amaryllis, madrigal (No. 12, The First Set of English Madrigals) 2:53
36 Adieu, sweet Amaryllis, madrigal (No. 12, The First Set of English Madrigals) 2:53
37 Weep, O mine Eyes (from Madrigals to four voyces) 2:42
37 Weep, O mine Eyes (from Madrigals to four voyces) 2:42
38 The silver swanne, madrigal for 5 voices 1:49
38 The silver swanne, madrigal for 5 voices 1:49
39 O care wilt thou dispatch mee, madrigal in 2 sections for 5 voices - The first part 2:09
39 O care wilt thou dispatch mee, madrigal in 2 sections for 5 voices - The first part 2:09
40 O care wilt thou dispatch mee, madrigal in 2 sections for 5 voices - The second part 2:35
40 O care wilt thou dispatch mee, madrigal in 2 sections for 5 voices - The second part 2:35
41 Since Robin Hood, madrigal for 3 voices 1:28
41 Since Robin Hood, madrigal for 3 voices 1:28
42 Fyre and lightning from heaven, madrigal for 2 voices :58
42 Fyre and lightning from heaven, madrigal for 2 voices :58
43 Strike it up tabor, madrigal for 3 voices 1:41
43 Strike it up tabor, madrigal for 3 voices 1:41
44 See, See the Shepheards' Queene for 5 voices (madrigal) 2:03
44 See, See the Shepheards' Queene for 5 voices (madrigal) 2:03
45 Come, Sable Night 5:42
45 Come, Sable Night 5:42
46 Sweet Suffolke Owle 2:41
46 Sweet Suffolke Owle 2:41
47 In nets of goulden wyers, madrigals for 2 voices 3:00
47 In nets of goulden wyers, madrigals for 2 voices 3:00
48 Draw On, Sweet Night, Best Friend unto Those Cares, madrigal 5:32
48 Draw On, Sweet Night, Best Friend unto Those Cares, madrigal 5:32

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