Mihály Mosonyi: Piano Works, Vol. 1

Artist Istvan Kassai
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Marco Polo
Erschienen 1994

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Hungarian Children's World, for piano 31:43
2 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music 44:46

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - Children's Feast Scene: Allegro (Gyermekbáli jelenet) 1:03
2 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - March of the Little Soldier: Tempo di Marcia (Katonajáték induló) :55
3 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - A Little Cowherd: Allegro vivace (A kis csikós) :49
4 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - Orphan Girl: Andante (Árvaleány) 3:19
5 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - The Little Gypsy: Adagio - Allegro - Andante (A kis cigány) 4:44
6 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - May-bug Hunt: Presto (Cserebogarászat) 1:08
7 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - Lullaby: Allegretto (Szenderdal kis testvér mellett) 3:26
8 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - The Little Piper: Capriccioso (Kis furulyás) 2:09
9 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - Children's Song: Allegretto - Andante - Tempo 1 (Gyermekdal) 2:30
10 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - Lament on the Death of a Little Playfellow: Andante (Búdal elhalt kis játszótárs felett) 3:24
11 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - The Story Man: Maestoso - Allegretto - Maestoso - Allegretto - Maestoso (Gyermaekmesék regélte a Bá 5:52
12 Hungarian Children's World, for piano - Farewell Festival: Allegro - Andante (Bucsú) 2:24
13 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - With Childish Playfulness: Allegretto (Gyermek játszisággal) :57
14 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Jovially: Andante (Kedélyesen) 1:35
15 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - With Feeling: Andante espressivo (Érzéssel) 1:08
16 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Teasing: Allegretto (Pajkosan) :34
17 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Sadly: Adagio (Ábrándozva) 2:22
18 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Cheerfully: Allegretto (Vidoran) :48
19 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - With Deep Sorrow: Maestoso (Mély bánattal) 3:20
20 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Gracefully: Moderato (Kellemesen) 1:18
21 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Joyfully: Vivace (Lelki örömmel) :37
22 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Wedding Feast: Andante (Lakadalmiasan) 2:29
23 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Defiantly: Allegro vivo (Dacosan) 1:26
24 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - In Folk Style: Moderato (Népiesen) 1:31
25 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Day-dreaming: Adagio assai, In the style of Károly Fátyol (1830-1888) (Andalogva) 4:46
26 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Tenderly: Andante (Gyöngéden) 1:47
27 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - With Sincerity: Romance: Andante (Szívélyesen) 3:33
28 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Animatedly: Allegro vivace (Élénken) 1:40
29 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - In Warlike Mood: Maestoso (Harciasan) 1:50
30 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Chivalrously: Maestoso (Lovagiasan) 3:35
31 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Lament of the Nightingale for Béni Egressy (1814-1851): Adagio (A scalogány panasza Egressy Bénifel 3:25
32 Studies for Piano, for Development in the Performance of Hungarian Music - Patriarchally: Largo - Allegretto quasi Andantino - Tempo 1 (Patriarkailag) 6:05

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