| Songs of Angels: Christmas Hymns & Carols Robert Shaw |  | - Komponist: James R. Murray
- Baß: Wayne Baughman
- Baß: Wayne Baughman
- Sopranist: Donna Carter
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Christopher Cock
- Sopranist: Carolyn Davis
- Chor: Robert Shaw Chamber Singers
- Regisseur: Robert Shaw
- Baß: Charles Sprawls
- Baß: Charles Sprawls
- Sopranist: Arietha Lockhart
- Baß: Wayne Bailey
- Baß: Wayne Bailey
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Ronald Burrichter
- Mezzosopran: Katherine Murray
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Katherine Murray
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Frank Timmerman
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Mike Henry
- Sopranist: Rachel Stewart
- Baß: Robert Lower
- Baß: Robert Lower
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: David Blalock
- Sopranist: Jolle Greenleaf
- Baß: Steven Dale Jones
- Baß: Steven Dale Jones
- Baß: Harold E. Kupper
- Baß: Harold E. Kupper
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Keith Lee
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Michael Henry
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Jeff Baxter
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Timothy Stalter
- Sopranist: Anne Louise White
- Baß: Steve Jones
- Bariton: Voctor Ledbetter
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Tom Grantham
- Baß: Gerald Tedford
- Baß: Gerald Tedford
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Forrest Guittar
- Baß: Monte Nichols
- Baß: Monte Nichols
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Jame Potter
- Sopranist: Cheryl Lower
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Ann Howard Jones
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Lynn Craig
- Baß: Charles Hamilton
- Baß: Charles Hamilton
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Timothy Swain
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Linda Sharp
- Sopranist: Doris Granum
- Baß: Brent Weaver
- Baß: Brent Weaver
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Nancy Llamazales
- Baß: Mark Tschupp
- Baß: Mark Tschupp
- Baß: James Marshall
- Baß: James Marshall
- Sopranist: Rebekah Kinsey
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Delane Floyd
- Sopranist: Lisa Hilliard
- Sopranist: Grace Edwards
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Soles Nannette
- Sopranist: Caroline Shaw
- Sopranist: Karen Self
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Tom Granum
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Nola Frink
- Baß: John Cooledge
- Baß: John Cooledge
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Heather Beard
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Pamela Elrod
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Jeffery Baxter
- Sopranist: Phoebe Snow
| Home for the Holidays Dave Williamson |  | |
| A Victorian Christmas Robert DeCormier Singers
Aufnahmeort und Datum Sommer Center, Concordia College, Bronxv [1984] |  | |
| An Angel's Noel Ware-Patterson Duo |  | |
| The Joy of Christmas [Sony] Leonard Bernstein
Sätze aus diesem Werk Arranged by Lowell Durham
Aufnahmeort und Datum Salt Lake City [1963] |  | |
| A Gala Christmas in Vienna Plácido Domingo
Aufnahmeort und Datum Rathaus, Vienna, Austria [1997] |  | |
| Musica Sacra: Christmas Carols Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Greenwich, CT [1987] |  | |
| Peace Turtle Creek Chorale |  | - Komponist: James R. Murray
- Bariton: David Alexander
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Dennis Clark
- Baß: Michael Sullivan
- Chor: Turtle Creek Chorale
- Baß: Jacob Jacobs
- Harfe: David MCK. Williams
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Douglas Howard
- Englischhorn: Rogene Russell
- Streicher., Streichinstrumente: Delmar Pettys
- Violine, Geige: Delmar Pettys
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Scott Davidson
- Bariton: Phil Barnett
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Daryl Curry
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Rick Hall
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Robert Emery
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Tony Balquin
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Blaine Ichimura
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Lonnie Lane
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Kenn McBryde
- Baß: David Rosenlieb
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: A.G. Black
- Baß: Bob Peck
- Baß: Bob Helm
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Gary Webb
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Wayne Wilkinson
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Michael Smotherman
- Baß: Michael Burton
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Tim Farmer
- Baß: Stewart Harris
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Edwin Rodriguez
- Bariton: Tom Fowler
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Bob Stephens
- Baß: Jeff Johnston
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Roy Smith
- Baß: Ralph Blackburn
- Bariton: Victor Shea
- Baß: Tom McKee
- Glockenspiel, Celesta: Ken Surley
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Ken Surley
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Billy Ferguson
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Tab Boyles
- Bariton: Jack Pettit
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Victor Guerrero
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Edwin Young
- Baß: Rick Mason
- Bariton: Louis Kelly
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Dennis Boatright
- Bariton: Chris Byers
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Paul Wignall
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Daniel DalPoas
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Shawn Wade
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Peter Mena
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Jeff Strachan
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Jon Carroll
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: David Shipp
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Paul Richey
- Bariton: David Fessenden
- Baß: Frederick Moore
- Baß: Daniel Duke
- Baß: Ron Maddox
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Travis Jordan
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Dean Harberts
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Rob Davis
- Bariton: Doug Collins
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Garry Cox
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Lucas Gavitt
- Bariton: Erwin DeBord
- Bariton: Michael A. Young
- Bariton: Jeff Surber
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Brian Mumey
- Bariton: Bill Olds
- Bariton: Pat Skinner
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Lyle Andrew Ellerbach
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: David Cheek
- Bariton: Jim Frederick
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Stan Graner
| Merry Country Christmas [Legacy] Various Artists |  | |
| Christmas Featuring Lance Gibbon Lance Gibbon
Aufnahmeort und Datum Brooklane Studio, Maple Valley, WA [1995] |  | |
| Simply Christmas: Joy to the World Various Artists |  | |
| A Postcard Christmas: Choirs of Christmas Various Artists |  | |
| A Postcard Christmas: Christmas Choirs Various Artists |  | |
| Leontyne Price Leontyne Price
Aufnahmeort und Datum St. Eustache Church, Montreal, Quebec, Canada [1983] |  | |
| Christmas Extraordinaire Mannheim Steamroller |  | - Komponist: James R. Murray
- Dirigent: Chip Davis
- Trommeln: Chip Davis
- Blockflöte: Chip Davis
- Posaune: Mark Fisher
- Cembalo, Kielflügel: Jackson Berkey
- Dirigent: Almeda Berkey
- Chordirektor: Almeda Berkey
- Waldhorn: Dale Clevenger
- Baß: Joseph Guastafeste
- Cello: Barbara Haffner
- Violine, Geige: Peter LaBella
- Blockflöte: Roxanne Layton
- Krummhorn: Roxanne Layton
- Violine, Geige: Arnie Roth
- Konzertmeister: Arnie Roth
- Waldhorn: James Smelser
- Chor: Soli Deo Gloria Cantorum
- Baß: Collins Trier
- Piccolo-Trompete: George Vosburgh
- Klarinette: John Bruce Yeh
- Chor: Beth Asbjörnson
- Chor: Phyllis Noble
- Gesang: Johnny Mathis
- Chor: Rebecca Noble
- Ensemble, Besetzung: Mannheim Steamroller
- Chor: Denise Johnson
- Orchesterassistent: Louis Stout
- Violine, Geige: David Hildner
- Violine, Geige: Blair Milton
- Chor: Ann Miller
- Chordirektor: Jerry Blackstone
- Violine, Geige: Michael Shelton
- Chor: Catherine Vouk
- Baß: Ron Cooley
- Gitarre: Ron Cooley
- Laute: Ron Cooley
- Cello: Judy Stone
- Violine, Geige: Everett Zlatoff-Mirsky
- Horn: Bob Morgan
- Oboe: Bob Morgan
- Oboe: Bobby Jenkins
- Violine, Geige: Clara Lindner
- Viola, Bratsche: Karl Davis
- Chor: Kay Weber
- Violine, Geige: Kathleen Brauer
- Chor: Carrie Solomon-Schultz
- Violine, Geige: Rika Sekko
- Chor: Barbara Thornburgh
- Waldhorn: Alice Render
- Chor: Karen Hughes
- Chor: Jamie Reamer
- Chor: Janene Jensen
- Chor: Jacques Johnson
- Chor: Magareth Evans
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Holzman
- Chor: Barbara Carlson
- Waldhorn: Greg Flint
- Violine, Geige: Ronald Satkiewicz
- Baß: Gregory Sarchet
- Violine, Geige: Marlou Johnston
- Violine, Geige: Elliot Golub
- Viola, Bratsche: Bobby Swan
- Viola, Bratsche: Marlise Klein
- Kontrabaßposaune: Charles Vernon
- Violine, Geige: Florentina Ramniceanu
- Violine, Geige: Laura Miller
- Violine, Geige: Linda Oper
- Violine, Geige: Pauli Ewing
- Chor: Lois Carlsen
- Klarinette: Lawrie Bloom
| The World's Favorite Christmas Carols The Red Army Choir |  | |
| A Romantic Sax Christmas [Premiere] Various Artists |  | |
| Sing a Song of Christmas: The World's Best Carols Various Artists |  | |
| World's Favorite Christmas Carols [Start Classics] Various Artists |  | |
| A Pan Flute Chirstmas [St. Clair 1999] Various Artists |  | |
| Ivory Christmas: Piano Classics for the Holidays Various Artists |  | |
| A Peaceful Easy Christmas Ric Flauding |  | |
| Celestial Harp Tommy Eyre |  | |
| Away in the Manger Various Artists |  | |
| Lulling the Soul: Carols of Love and Wonder Dominique Piana
Aufnahmeort und Datum Watchorn Auditorium, University of Redlands, California, U.S [1992] |  | |