Why Is the Sky Blue?

Artist James Superstar Kochalka (James Kochalka Superstar)
Bewertung  von 5
Genre Rock
Label James Kochalka
Erschienen 26.12.2006


# Song Komponist Dauer
1   Hockey Monkey   - 1:55
2   Corn on the Cob   - 1:03
3   Why Is the Sky Blue?   - 2:39
4   Monkey vs. Robot   - 2:17
5   Frog on Top of a Skyscraper   - 1:59
6   Breaking Stuff   - 1:09
7   Pizza Rocket   - 1:27
8   Peanut Butter & Jellyfish   - 1:31
9   Neigh-Neigh and Woo-Woo   - 1:56
10   Rainbow Love   - 2:13

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Songtexte von Why Is the Sky Blue?

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Weitere Releases von Why Is the Sky Blue?

Datum Typ Label Katalog-Nr.
26.12.2006 Digital release James Kochalka