Elizabethan Love Songs and Ayres to the Lute and Viol

Artist Jan DeGaetani
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Pantheon

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 So quick, so hot, so mad 1:26
2 If Thou Long'st So Much to Learn for voice, lute & bass viol 3:14
3 Oft Have I Sigh'd for Him That Heares Me Not for voice, lute & bass viol 2:45
4 Faine Would I Wed a Faire Yong Man for voice, lute & bass viol 1:18
5 Walsingham 4:30
6 Goe Heavy Thoughts 3:04
7 Sweet Sweet Let Me Goe 1:02
8 The Punckes Delight 1:37
9 Think'st thou then by thy feigning, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 1:51
10 Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears, for 2 voices & lute (Second Book of Songs) 3:45
11 A Shepherd in a shade, for 4 voices & lute (Second Book of Songs) 2:08
12 Captain Candishe his Galliard, P 21 1:18
13 My true love hath my heart 2:14
14 Willow Song 4:03
15 Aprill is in my mistris face, madrigal for 4 voices 1:09
16 Courante 1:21
17 Adue Sweet Love 2:24
18 Fain Would I Change That Note for soprano & ensemble 1:48
19 If my complaints could passions move, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 2:55
20 What If I Seek for Love of Thee? 1:58
21 Miserer My Maker 1:52
22 O Deathe, Rock Me A-Sleepe 4:28

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 So quick, so hot, so mad 1:26
2 If Thou Long'st So Much to Learn for voice, lute & bass viol 3:14
3 Oft Have I Sigh'd for Him That Heares Me Not for voice, lute & bass viol 2:45
4 Faine Would I Wed a Faire Yong Man for voice, lute & bass viol 1:18
5 Walsingham 4:30
6 Goe Heavy Thoughts 3:04
7 Sweet Sweet Let Me Goe 1:02
8 The Punckes Delight 1:37
9 Think'st thou then by thy feigning, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 1:51
10 Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears, for 2 voices & lute (Second Book of Songs) 3:45
11 A Shepherd in a shade, for 4 voices & lute (Second Book of Songs) 2:08
12 Captain Candishe his Galliard, P 21 1:18
13 My true love hath my heart 2:14
14 Willow Song 4:03
15 Aprill is in my mistris face, madrigal for 4 voices 1:09
16 Courante 1:21
17 Adue Sweet Love 2:24
18 Fain Would I Change That Note for soprano & ensemble 1:48
19 If my complaints could passions move, for 4 voices & lute (First Book of Songs) 2:55
20 What If I Seek for Love of Thee? 1:58
21 Miserer My Maker 1:52
22 O Deathe, Rock Me A-Sleepe 4:28

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