| ...And Serenity Glenn Gould
Aufnahmeort und Datum RCA Studios, New York, NY [1982] |  | |
| Great Pianists of the Century Various Artists |  | |
| Brahms: Hungarian Dances; Ballades; Intermezzi; Waltzes; Rhapsodies; and other pieces Wilhelm Backhaus |  | |
| Brahms: Hungarian Dances WoO1; Pieces Op118 Wilhelm Backhaus |  | |
| Sviatoslav Richter: Out of Later Years Sviatoslav Richter
Aufnahmeort und Datum Kempten, Germany [1992] |  | |
| Wilhelm Backhaus Plays Brahms Wilhelm Backhaus |  | |
| Russians in Recital Various Artists |  | |
| The Intimate Brahms Naomi Zaslav
Aufnahmeort und Datum Casa del Cielo, Monterey, CA [1996] |  | |
| Brahms: Piano Concerto in Bf No2, Op83; Ballade in Dm Op10/1 Wilhelm Backhaus |  | |
| Backhaus plays Brahms Wilhelm Backhaus |  | |
| Piano Classics Various Artists |  | |
| Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2; Piano Works Wilhelm Backhaus |  | |
| Les Grands Pianistes du XXème siècle, Vol. 1 Various Artists |  | |
| Artist Portrait: Daniel Barenboim Daniel Barenboim |  | |
| Brahms: Masterpieces for Solo Piano Various Artists |  | |
| The Complete Columbia Recordings, 1936-1939 Anatole Kitain
Aufnahmeort und Datum EMI Abbey Road Studios, London, England [1938] |  | |
| Liszt: Masterpieces for Solo Piano [Exclusive Free Sampler Included] Various Artists |  | |
| Beethoven: Symphonies 3 & 5; Leonore and Coriolan Overtures [Exclusive Free Sampler Included] Adrian Boult |  | |
| Jeff Vidov: Arise, for There Are Four Paths to Truth Jeff Vidov |  | - Komponist: Johannes Brahms
- Baß: Kevin Bailey
- Klarinette: Gary Ciepluich
- Trompete: James Freeman
- Waldhorn: Jennifer Schofield
- Posaune: David Archer
- Cello: William Skeen
- Trompete: Richard Sandals
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Richard Moore
- Cello: Jeffrey Zeigler
- Cello: Nathan Brock
- Orgel: Jeff Vidov
- Synthesizer: Jeff Vidov
- Gitarre: Jeff Vidov
- Schlagzeug, Perkussion: Jeff Vidov
- Piano, Klavier: Jeff Vidov
- Elektrische Girarre: Jeff Vidov
- Keyboards., Tastaturen: Jeff Vidov
- Gesang: Jeff Vidov
- Hintergrundgesang: Jeff Vidov
- Probenahme, Bemusterung: Jeff Vidov
- Fender Rhodes: Jeff Vidov
- Trompete: James Ackley
- Flöte: Jean Beaudoin
- Trommeln: Sean Brock
- Baß: Andrew Canning
- Cello: Felicity Deak
- Gitarre: Alfie Dipucchio
- Violine, Geige: Andrew Eng
- Trompete: Mike Fedyshyn
- Baß: Chris Ferguson
- Cello: Adrian Fung
- Dirigent: Scott Good
- Kontrabaßposaune: Scott Good
- Elektrische Girarre: Andrew Grady
- Violine, Geige: Nana Jokura
- Gesang: Stephan Lacasse
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Jesse Lowry
- Gitarre: Brian Lyster
- Kontrabaßposaune: Scott MacInnes
- Viola, Bratsche: Lief Mosbaugh
- Flöte: Zachary Moss
- Sopranist: Kristen Mueller
- Waldhorn: Kevin Nickerson
- Violine, Geige: Greg Pinney
- Kontrabaßposaune: Michael Priddy
- Cello: Carina Reeves
- Flöte: Elizabeth Samson
- Flöte: Carol Savage
- Waldhorn: James Schofield
- Baßgeige, Kontrabaß: Matt Senra
- Violine, Geige: Neal Shaffer
- Posaune: Brady Sloane
- Viola, Bratsche: Elisa Swift
- Viola, Bratsche: megan Tam
- Tuba: Keith Walton
- Trompete: Dawn Weber
- Trommeln: Steve Wenzel
- Gitarre: Marco d'Amico
- Klarinette: Gary Ciepluch
- Cello: Jeff Zeigler
- Sopranist: Kristen Mueller
- Klarinette: Peter Stoll
- Flöte: Jean-Claude Beaudoin
- Posaune: Dave Archer
| Steinway Legends: Emil Gilels Emil Gilels |  | |
| Steinway Legends: Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli [Digipak] Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli |  | |
| Steinway Legends: Grand Edition [Box Set] Various Artists |  | |
| Steinway Legends: Grand Edition [Box Set] Various Artists |  | |
| The Best of Brahms Various Artists |  | |
| The Very Best of Brahms Various Artists |  | |