Monteverdi & His Contemporaries: Madrigals

Artist John Eliot Gardiner
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Renaissance (1450-1599)
Label Regis Records

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 20:40
2 Zefiro torna e'l bel tempo rimena, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 6), SV 108 4:40
3 Era l'anima mia già presso a l'ultim' hore, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), SV 96 4:22
4 Ohimè, se tanto amate di sentir dir ohimè, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV 85 3:26
5 Dolcissima mia vita, madrigal for 5 voices (Book 5), W. 5/23 4:14
6 Weep, Weep, Mine Eyes, My Heart Can Take No Rest, madrigal 4:47
7 Oft I have vowed how dearly I did love thee, madrigal (No. 20, The Second Set of Madrigals) 3:26
8 What is our life, madrigal for 5 voices 4:28
9 O griefe, even on the bud, madrigal for 5 voices 3:08
10 Draw On, Sweet Night, Best Friend unto Those Cares, madrigal 4:55

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Incenerite 3:07
2 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Ditelo o fiumi 1:25
3 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Dara la notte 3:39
4 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Ma te raccoglie 4:08
5 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - O Chiome d'or 3:15
6 Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro dell'amata, madrigal in 6 sections for 5 voices and instruments (from Book 6), SV 111 - Dunque amate reliquie 5:06
7 Zefiro torna e'l bel tempo rimena, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 6), SV 108 4:40
8 Era l'anima mia già presso a l'ultim' hore, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 5), SV 96 4:22
9 Ohimè, se tanto amate di sentir dir ohimè, madrigal for 5 voices (from Book 4), SV 85 3:26
10 Dolcissima mia vita, madrigal for 5 voices (Book 5), W. 5/23 4:14
11 Weep, Weep, Mine Eyes, My Heart Can Take No Rest, madrigal 4:47
12 Oft I have vowed how dearly I did love thee, madrigal (No. 20, The Second Set of Madrigals) 3:26
13 What is our life, madrigal for 5 voices 4:28
14 O griefe, even on the bud, madrigal for 5 voices 3:08
15 Draw On, Sweet Night, Best Friend unto Those Cares, madrigal 4:55

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