| Bells at Christmas Various Artists |  | |
| Promise of Ages: Christmas Collection Taverner Consort
Aufnahmeort und Datum St. Jude's on the Hill Church, South Square, Garden Suburb, London, England [1998] |  | |
| Carol Album, Vol. 2 Taverner Consort Choir & Players |  | - Komponist: John Jacob Niles
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Harvey Brough
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Paul Badley
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Simon Berridge
- Sopranist: Rachel Bevan
- Trompete: David Blackadder
- Gambe, Kniegeige: Richard Boothby
- Cembalo, Kielflügel: Lucy Carolan
- Baß: Stephen Charlesworth
- Posaune: Richard Cheetham
- Trompete: Richard Cheetham
- Horn: Andrew Clark
- Cello: Jennifer Ward Clarke
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Charles Daniels
- Sopranist: Ruth Dean
- Sopranist: Emily van Evera
- Baß: Charles Gibbs
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: James Gilchrist
- Baß: Simon Grant
- Posaune: Trevor Herbert
- Trompete: Trevor Herbert
- Zither: Jacob Heringman
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Robert Horn
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Catherine King
- Orgel: Wayne Marshall
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Leigh Nixon
- Dirigent: Andrew Parrott
- Regisseur: Andrew Parrott
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Andrew Parrott
- Baß: Ben Parry
- Sopranist: Rachel Platt
- Baß: Richard Savage
- Orpharion: Lynda Sayce
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Caroline Stormer
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Kristine Szulik
- Chor: Taverner Consort Choir
- Ensemble, Besetzung: Taverner Consort & Players
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Paul Tindall
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Penny Vickers
- Baß: Jeremy White
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Douglas Wootton
- Baß: Patrick Ardagh-Walter
- Fagott: Paul Carroll
- Posaune: Patrick Jackman
- Baß: John Milne
- Sopranist: Adey Grummet
- Laute: Christopher Morrongiello
- Orgel: Wayne Marshall
- Harmonium: Wayne Marshall
- Baß: Chris Foster
- Trompete: Crispian Perkins
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Tom Phillips
- Sopranist: Gilbert Ross
- Trompete: Steve Saunders
- Baß: William T. Hunt
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Doug Wooton
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Pete Long
- gehämmertes Hackbrett: Susan Harris
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Catherine Jones
- Sopranist: Jennifer Cassidy
- Altstimme, Kontratenor: Natanya Hadda
- Tenor, Tenorstimme: Argus Smith
- Baß: Jeremy Birchhall
- Sopranist: Harold Johnson
- Violine, Geige: Peter Cooper
| Lullaby: Music for Quiet Times The American Boychoir
Aufnahmeort und Datum All Saints' Church, Princeton, NJ [2001] |  | |
| Christmas Carols Andrew Parrott |  | |