John Luther Adams: Earth and the Great Weather

Artist John Luther Adams
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label New World Records
Erschienen 1994

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic 75:44

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - The Place Where You Go to Listen 8:05
1 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - The Place Where You Go to Listen 8:05
2 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Drums of Winter 6:51
2 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Drums of Winter 6:51
3 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Pointed Mountains Scattered All Around 7:25
3 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Pointed Mountains Scattered All Around 7:25
4 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - The Circle of Suns and Moons 8:00
4 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - The Circle of Suns and Moons 8:00
5 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - The Circle of Winds 7:04
5 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - The Circle of Winds 7:04
6 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Deep and Distant Thunder 13:02
6 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Deep and Distant Thunder 13:02
7 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - River With No Willows 7:08
7 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - River With No Willows 7:08
8 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - One That Stays All Winter 8:34
8 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - One That Stays All Winter 8:34
9 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Drums of Fire, Drums of Stone 7:25
9 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Drums of Fire, Drums of Stone 7:25
10 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Where the Waves Splash, Hitting Again and Again 2:10
10 Earth and the Great Weather: A Sonic Geography of the Arctic - Where the Waves Splash, Hitting Again and Again 2:10

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