Salieri: Falstaff

Artist Jozsef Gregor
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Klassisch (1750-1819)
Label Hungaroton

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts 154:45

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Sinfonia 4:18
2 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 1. Introduzione. Viva il comune amico 9:03
3 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 2. Recitativo. Vedete che capriccio 1:40
4 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 2. Cavatina (Arietta). Or ci siamo padron mio 1:44
5 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 3. Recitativo. Ah, pezzo di birbante 1:48
6 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 3. Cavatina (Duetto). Con molta degnazione 2:14
7 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 3. Recitativo. Da scrivere! 3:13
8 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 4. Recitativo. Li porto? o non li porto? :46
9 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 5. Cavatina. Vicino a rivedere 2:45
10 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 5. Recitativo. Di dubitar di lei non ho motivo :41
11 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 6. Recitativo. Oh tinozza ambulante! :40
12 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 6. Aria. Vendetta, si, vendetta! 2:06
13 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 6. Recitativo. Comare, in questo punto :42
14 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 6. Duettino. La stessa, la stessissima 1:02
15 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 6. Recitativo. Ma parlando sul serio :47
16 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 7. Recitativo. Ho capito: ma spero 1:08
17 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 8. Recitativo. Non vedo proprio l'ora :28
18 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 8. Quartetto. Oh quanto vogliam ridere 4:56
19 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 9. Recitativo. Eh! mia moglie, compare :45
20 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 9. Aria. Venga pure il cavaliere 3:34
21 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 10. Recitativo. A un uomo della mia sorte :50
22 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 11. Recitativo. No, non mi purò conoscere! 4:31
23 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 11. Aria. O, die Männer kenn' ich schon! 3:15
24 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 12. Recitativo. E che ti par, Falstaff? 5:50
25 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 12. Aria. Nell'impero di Cupido 3:23
26 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 13. Recitativo accompagnato. Ah! vile! ah, seduttore! 1:35
27 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 13. Aria. Or gli affannosi palpiti 4:29
28 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Scene 14. Recitativo. Restate là vicini 1:57
29 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Finale primo. Scene 15. Bricconcella! alfin t'ho colta 4:23
30 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Finale primo. Scene 15. Zitti! - Signora 3:45
31 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Finale primo. Scene 15. Roberto! Stefano! :33
32 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Finale primo. Last scene. Se son geloso a torto 1:55
33 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 1. Finale primo. Last scene. Ecco le chiavi 7:41
34 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 1. Recitativo. Sentite pure :44
35 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 1. Terzetto. Nell' acqua il buzzone 1:43
36 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 1. Recitativo. Questa a buon conto 1:12
37 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 2. Recitativo. Ehi! Bardolf! a chi dico? :18
38 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 3. Recitativo. Corpo di Satanasso! :45
39 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 4. Recitativo. È preparato? 1:19
40 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 4. Cavatina (Duetto). Ah! Signore! se sapesse 1:13
41 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 4. Recitativo. Si degni almen di legger :38
42 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 4. Terzetto. Se mi vedeste il core 2:53
43 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 5. Recitativo. E il nostro signor Brock :14
44 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 6. Recitativo. Il signor Brock v'attende :48
45 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 7. Recitativo. Se un pranzo non vi basta 1:18
46 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 7. Cavatina (Duetto). Che sento? E quando ei venne :35
47 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 7. Recitativo. Or dunque, quella bestia :39
48 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 7. (Duetto). Della stanza in un cantone 1:05
49 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 7. Recitativo. Or quando fui nel cesto - :30
50 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 7. (Aria). Io sotto titolo :43
51 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 7. Recitativo. Signor, son penetrato 1:20
52 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 8. Recitativo con stromenti. Stelle! - sogno, o son desto? 1:09
53 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 8. Aria (Arietta). Furie, che m'agitate 1:27
54 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 9 & 10. Recitativo. Presto, Betty :17
55 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 9 & 10. Duetto. Su, mio core, a gioir 3:23
56 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 9 & 10. Recitativo. Ma siam sicuri? 1:30
57 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 11. Recitativo. Ehi, comare, ehi! :07
58 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 11. Duetto. Per carità, celatevi! :26
59 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 11. Recitativo. Siete sola? 1:38
60 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 11. Terzetto. Prima ancor che master venga 1:02
61 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 11. Recitativo. Ma dunque, care amiche 1:27
62 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 12. Recitativo. Ah! ah! sarebbe bella 1:27
63 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 13. Recitativo. Ecco, amici! :38
64 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 13. Terzetto. Che vedo? Oh me infelice! 3:35
65 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 13. Recitativo. Or ben: colui, ch'io cerco 1:42
66 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 13. Duettino. Benedetto quel bastone 1:08
67 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 13. Recitiativo. Ora ai nostri mariti :57
68 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 14. Arietta. Sorte pettegola! 1:37
69 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 14. Recitativo. Vorrei che tutto il mondo 1:03
70 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 14. (Arietta). Sorte pettegola! :08
71 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 14. Recitativo. Che dite mai! :23
72 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 14. (Arietta). Sorte pettegola! :21
73 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 14. Recitativo. Che dici? la Tedesca :21
74 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 15. Recitativo. Si ben: ma tu non sai :45
75 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 15. Aria. Ah, ch'a idea cost gradita 1:45
76 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 15. Recitativo. Consolatevi, amico 1:02
77 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 16. Recitativo. Dietro quella collina :28
78 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 16. Aria (Coll'eco). Reca in amor la gelosia 2:35
79 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Scene 16. Recitativo. Zitto! vien qualchedun :07
80 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Finale secondo. Scene 17. Siete già qui? :52
81 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Finale secondo. Scene 17. Nel lasciarmi coll'amico 1:15
82 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Finale secondo. Scene 17. Te sol amo, anima mia 2:13
83 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Finale secondo. Scene 18. Presto presto 2:56
84 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Finale secondo. Scene 19. Fate verdi, turchine 3:36
85 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Finale secondo. Last Scene. Per or non si parte 2:35
86 Falstaff or The Three Tricks, comic opera in 3 acts - Act 2. Finale secondo. Last Scene. Quando ancor tutti una donna 2:26

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