Stockhausen: Hymnen (Elektronische Musik mit Orchester)

Artist Karlheinz Stockhausen
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Contemporary (1950-200X)
Label Stockhausen-Verlag
Erschienen 1997

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): Kurzwellen-Klang (Start) (Short-wave radio sound [Start]) 0:46
2 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): IBERIA Partitur-Abschnitt [3] (rehearsal number [3]) 0:29
3 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): GABUN, Takt vor [6] (GABON, bar before [6]) 0:29
4 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): Zischen vor [8] (hissing before [8]) 1:32
5 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): RUSSLAND 1. Periode Takt vor [11] (1st period of RUSSIA, 1:46
6 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): ELFENBEIN-KÜSTE [13] ( IVORY COAST [13]) 1:11
7 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): RUSSLAND 2. Periode [14] (2nd period of RUSSIA [14]) 0:57
8 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): Takt vor KAMERUN [17] (bar before [17] CAMEROON) 0:50
9 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): RUSSLAND 3. Periode [20] (3rd period of Russia [20]) 1:15
10 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Streicher-Fermate (fermata of the strings) 0:14
11 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Einsatz (entry of winds) 1:53
12 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Akzente vor A (accents of winds before A) 0:24
13 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): A-Soli 0:32
14 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Akzente nach A (accents of winds after A) 0:11
15 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Gruppen-Dynamik (group dynamic levels) 0:27
16 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Akzente vor B (accents of winds before B) 0:14
17 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): B-Soli 0:42
18 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Gruppen-Dynamik (group dynamic levels) 0:41
19 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Akzente vor C (accents of winds before C) 0:22
20 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): C-Soli 0:21
21 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Gruppen-Dynamik (group dynamic levels) 1:15
22 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Flageolett-Glissandi (flageolet glissandi) 0:44
23 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): TOGO [23] 0:27
24 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND 3. Periode Auftakt [24] (upbeat to 3rd period [24]) 1:04
25 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND Forts. 3. Periode (continuation 3rd period) 1:02
26 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND 4. Periode [28] (4th period [28]) 0:27
27 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND Forts. 4. Periode (continuation 4th period) 0:27
28 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND 5. Periode = REFRAIN [30], Bläser-Solo (RUSSIA 5th period = 0:22
29 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND Zwischen-Periode [31] (intermediary period [31]) 1:22
30 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND 2. REFRAIN [36] Bläser-Solo (RUSSIA 2nd REFRAIN [36] solo of 0:37
31 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND Schluß-Periode [37] (final period [37]) 0:24
32 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Schluß-Akkord-Abstieg [38] (descent of final chord [38]) 0:57
33 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): 3. Abstieg-Morsesignal (3rd descent, Morse code) 2:07
34 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): USA [41] 0:45
35 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): DEUTSCHLAND [47] (GERMANY [47]) 0:47
36 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): KANADA [53] (CANADA [53]) 0:47
37 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): TÜRKEI [62] (TURKEY [62]) 0:23
38 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): SCHWEIZ [66] (SWITZERLAND [66]) 0:25
39 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Glory ÖSTERREICH [70] (Glory AUSTRIA [70]) 0:35
40 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Schluß USA [76] (end USA [76]) 0:37
41 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Italienischer Schlager [79] (Italian popular tune [79]) 0:53
42 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Auftakt zu KURZWELLEN-Wüste [85] (upbeat to SHORT-WAVE desert [85]) 0:55
43 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Weltraum-Stimme vor [90] (voice from outer space before [90]) 1:39
44 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): KW-Vogel [96] (short-wave bird [96]) 0:29
45 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): flüsterndes Pfeifen [98] (whispering whistling [98]) 0:39
46 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Stockhausen-Johnson vor (before [100]) 0:17
47 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Sevillanas [101] 0:32
48 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): SPANIEN-Explosion in B [105] (SPAIN explosion in B flat [105]) 0:11
49 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Sprung zu F [106] (jump to F [106]) 0:10
50 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Sprung zu C etc. [108] (jump to C etc. [108]) 0:09
51 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Rutsch zu A [110] (slide to zu A [110]) 0:34
52 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): SPANIEN unter Wasser in B [116] (SPAIN underwater in B flat [116]) 0:27
53 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Rutsch zu As vor [122] (slide to A flat before [122]) 0:20
54 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Spanische Waldhörner [124] (Spanish French horns [124]) 0:16
55 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Terz-Schub [126] Ping! (thrust of a third [126] Ping!) 0:17
56 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Sexte [130] Bratschen-Solo [131] (sixth [130] viola solo [131]) 0:58
57 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): SPANIEN-Explosion in G [137] (SPAIN explosion in G [137]) 0:19
58 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Dritte Region (Third Region): Pling! - 3x SCHWEIZ (Männerchor) [140] (Pling! - 3x SWITZERLAND (male 2:29
59 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:45
60 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 1:53
61 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:24
62 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:32
63 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:15
64 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:23
65 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:14
66 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:41
67 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:41
68 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:22
69 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 0:21
70 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 1:15
71 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 2:07
72 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:47
73 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 1:58
74 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:27
75 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:37
76 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:11
77 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:26
78 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:16
79 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:45
80 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:40
81 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:27
82 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:20
83 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:34
84 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:17
85 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 0:47
86 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds: Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 2:27

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): Kurzwellen-Klang (Start) (Short-wave radio sound [Start]) :46
2 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): IBERIA Partitur-Abschnitt [3] (rehearsal number [3]) :29
3 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): GABUN, Takt vor [6] (GABON, bar before [6]) :29
4 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): Zischen vor [8] (hissing before [8]) 1:32
5 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): RUSSLAND 1. Periode Takt vor [11] (1st period of RUSSIA, 1:46
6 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): ELFENBEIN-KÜSTE [13] ( IVORY COAST [13]) 1:11
7 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): RUSSLAND 2. Periode [14] (2nd period of RUSSIA [14]) :57
8 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): Takt vor KAMERUN [17] (bar before [17] CAMEROON) :50
9 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Afrika mit Russland (Africa with Russia): RUSSLAND 3. Periode [20] (3rd period of Russia [20]) 1:15
10 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Streicher-Fermate (fermata of the strings) :14
11 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Einsatz (entry of winds) 1:53
12 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Akzente vor A (accents of winds before A) :24
13 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): A-Soli :32
14 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Akzente nach A (accents of winds after A) :11
15 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Gruppen-Dynamik (group dynamic levels) :27
16 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Akzente vor B (accents of winds before B) :14
17 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): B-Soli :42
18 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Gruppen-Dynamik (group dynamic levels) :41
19 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Bläser-Akzente vor C (accents of winds before C) :22
20 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): C-Soli :21
21 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Gruppen-Dynamik (group dynamic levels) 1:15
22 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke (Russian Bridge): Flageolett-Glissandi (flageolet glissandi) :44
23 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): TOGO [23] :27
24 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND 3. Periode Auftakt [24] (upbeat to 3rd period [24]) 1:04
25 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND Forts. 3. Periode (continuation 3rd period) 1:02
26 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND 4. Periode [28] (4th period [28]) :27
27 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND Forts. 4. Periode (continuation 4th period) :27
28 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND 5. Periode = REFRAIN [30], Bläser-Solo (RUSSIA 5th period = :22
29 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND Zwischen-Periode [31] (intermediary period [31]) 1:22
30 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND 2. REFRAIN [36] Bläser-Solo (RUSSIA 2nd REFRAIN [36] solo of :37
31 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): RUSSLAND Schluß-Periode [37] (final period [37]) :24
32 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Schluß-Akkord-Abstieg [38] (descent of final chord [38]) :57
33 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): 3. Abstieg-Morsesignal (3rd descent, Morse code) 2:07
34 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): USA [41] :45
35 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): DEUTSCHLAND [47] (GERMANY [47]) :47
36 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): KANADA [53] (CANADA [53]) :47
37 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): TÜRKEI [62] (TURKEY [62]) :23
38 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): SCHWEIZ [66] (SWITZERLAND [66]) :25
39 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Glory ÖSTERREICH [70] (Glory AUSTRIA [70]) :35
40 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Schluß USA [76] (end USA [76]) :37
41 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Italienischer Schlager [79] (Italian popular tune [79]) :53
42 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Auftakt zu KURZWELLEN-Wüste [85] (upbeat to SHORT-WAVE desert [85]) :55
43 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Weltraum-Stimme vor [90] (voice from outer space before [90]) 1:39
44 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): KW-Vogel [96] (short-wave bird [96]) :29
45 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): flüsterndes Pfeifen [98] (whispering whistling [98]) :39
46 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Stockhausen-Johnson vor (before [100]) :17
47 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Sevillanas [101] :32
48 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): SPANIEN-Explosion in B [105] (SPAIN explosion in B flat [105]) :11
49 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Sprung zu F [106] (jump to F [106]) :10
50 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Sprung zu C etc. [108] (jump to C etc. [108]) :09
51 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Rutsch zu A [110] (slide to zu A [110]) :34
52 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): SPANIEN unter Wasser in B [116] (SPAIN underwater in B flat [116]) :27
53 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Rutsch zu As vor [122] (slide to A flat before [122]) :20
54 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Spanische Waldhörner [124] (Spanish French horns [124]) :16
55 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Terz-Schub [126] Ping! (thrust of a third [126] Ping!) :17
56 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Sexte [130] Bratschen-Solo [131] (sixth [130] viola solo [131]) :58
57 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): SPANIEN-Explosion in G [137] (SPAIN explosion in G [137]) :19
58 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Dritte Region (Third Region): Pling! - 3x SCHWEIZ (Männerchor) [140] (Pling! - 3x SWITZERLAND (male 2:29
59 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :45
60 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 1:53
61 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :24
62 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :32
63 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :15
64 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :23
65 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :14
66 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :41
67 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :41
68 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :22
69 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer :21
70 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 1:15
71 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 1. Konzert am 9. Januar 1994 [andere Abmischung] (Russian Bridge of the concer 2:07
72 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :47
73 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 1:58
74 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :27
75 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :37
76 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :11
77 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :26
78 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :16
79 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :45
80 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :40
81 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :27
82 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :20
83 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :34
84 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :17
85 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 :47
86 Hymnen, for electronic and concrete sounds - Russische Brücke vom 2. Konzert am 10. Januar 1994 (Russian Bridge of the 2nd concert on January 10 2:27

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