Surrealistic Portraiture

Artist Kenneth Fischer
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Aca Digital
Erschienen 2001

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Sonata for alto sax & piano 17:29
2 Light of Sothis, for alto saxophone & piano 9:27
3 Fantasia Concertante, for alto saxophone & ensemble (or piano) 12:08
4 Surrealistic Portraiture, for soprano saxophone & piano 15:39

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Sonata for alto sax & piano - Preamble 6:07
2 Sonata for alto sax & piano - Interlude 4:52
3 Sonata for alto sax & piano - Valsette 1:55
4 Sonata for alto sax & piano - Rondo 4:35
5 Light of Sothis, for alto saxophone & piano 9:27
6 Fantasia Concertante, for alto saxophone & ensemble (or piano) 12:08
7 Surrealistic Portraiture, for soprano saxophone & piano - Francisco Goya 4:07
8 Surrealistic Portraiture, for soprano saxophone & piano - Max Ernst 4:20
9 Surrealistic Portraiture, for soprano saxophone & piano - Alice Neel 3:29
10 Surrealistic Portraiture, for soprano saxophone & piano - Salvador Dali 3:43

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