Gothic Pipes: The Earliest Organ Music

Artist Kimberly Marshall
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Loft Recordings
Erschienen 2004

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Kyrie cunctipotens genitor Deus, intabulation for keyboard (ff. 88r-90r) 7:35
2 Bel fiore dança, 2-part intabulation for keyboard 1:09
3 Or sus, vous dormés trop, intabulation for keyboard 4:45
4 Retrove, for organ 6:52
5 Adesto - Firmissime - Alleluja, for organ 3:55
6 Asperance, intabulation for keyboard (Groningen MS) 1:31
7 Empris domoyrs, intabulation for keyboard (Groningen MS) 1:33
8 Praeambulum in d, for organ No. 3: Praeambulum 4 / Mensura 1 (from the Ileborgh tablature, Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, 2:28
9 Praeambulum super d et variatur super a-g-f et c, for organ No. 5: Praeambulum 5 / Mensura 3 (from the Ileborgh tablature, Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, 3:58
10 Work(s): Praeambulum 3 / Mensura 2 (from the Ileborgh tablature, Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, 1:41
11 De musica arte, treatise (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cod. lat. 7755, ff. 276r-280r): Untitled 3:06
12 Redeuntes in la, for organ 1:08
13 Praeambulum super f, for organ 1:41
14 Praeambulum super mi, for organ 1:28
15 Praeambulum super C (194) (Buxheim organ book) 1:43
16 Redeuntes in Idem, for organ 3:20
17 Praeambulum super d, chanson setting 0:38
18 Adieu mes tres belle (Das Buxheimer Orgelbuch, Folio 144) 1:43
19 Praeambulum in c, for organ No. 1 0:21
20 J'ay pris amours (Das Buxheimer Orgelbuch, Folio 239) 1:10
21 Praeambulum super G, chanson setting 0:48
22 Portugaler (Das Buxheimer Orgelbuch, Folio 43) 4:21
23 Praeambulum super C, chanson setting 0:31
24 Se la face ay pale, chanson setting (after Dufay?) 1:58
25 Kyrie de Sancta Maria Virgine 4:25
26 Gloria de Sancta Maria Vergine, No. 151 8:01

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Kyrie cunctipotens genitor Deus, intabulation for keyboard (ff. 88r-90r) 7:35
2 Bel fiore dança, 2-part intabulation for keyboard 1:09
3 Or sus, vous dormés trop, intabulation for keyboard 4:45
4 Retrove, for organ 6:52
5 Adesto - Firmissime - Alleluja, for organ 3:55
6 Asperance, intabulation for keyboard (Groningen MS) 1:31
7 Empris domoyrs, intabulation for keyboard (Groningen MS) 1:33
8 Praeambulum in d, for organ No. 3 - Praeambulum 4 / Mensura 1 (from the Ileborgh tablature, Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, 2:28
9 Praeambulum super d et variatur super a-g-f et c, for organ No. 5 - Praeambulum 5 / Mensura 3 (from the Ileborgh tablature, Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, 3:58
10 Work(s) - Praeambulum 3 / Mensura 2 (from the Ileborgh tablature, Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, 1:41
11 De musica arte, treatise (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Cod. lat. 7755, ff. 276r-280r) - Untitled 3:06
12 Redeuntes in la, for organ 1:08
13 Praeambulum super f, for organ 1:41
14 Praeambulum super mi, for organ 1:28
15 Praeambulum super C (194) (Buxheim organ book) 1:43
16 Redeuntes in Idem, for organ 3:20
17 Praeambulum super d, chanson setting :38
18 Adieu mes tres belle (Das Buxheimer Orgelbuch, Folio 144) 1:43
19 Praeambulum in c, for organ No. 1 :21
20 J'ay pris amours (Das Buxheimer Orgelbuch, Folio 239) 1:10
21 Praeambulum super G, chanson setting :48
22 Portugaler (Das Buxheimer Orgelbuch, Folio 43) 4:21
23 Praeambulum super C, chanson setting :31
24 Se la face ay pale, chanson setting (after Dufay?) 1:58
25 Kyrie de Sancta Maria Virgine 4:25
26 Gloria de Sancta Maria Vergine, No. 151 8:01

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