Russian Orthodox Church Music

Artist Konevets Quartet
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Ikon
Erschienen 1997

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Troparion to Saint Arsenli of Konevets 0:55
2 Psalm 103, of the Kievan Lavra Tradition 2:12
3 Blessed is the man 2:28
4 O gentle light 2:28
5 Rejoice, O twain, chosen by God 1:57
6 To the Mother of God 0:46
7 Blessed be the name of the Lord 2:06
8 From My Youth 1:30
9 Rejoice, O Issiah, Irmos of the 9th ode of the Resurrection Canon 1:04
10 Blessed by thou Mother of God 0:50
11 Grest Doxology 3:43
12 Today is salvation come unto the world, Resurrection hymn 1:02
13 The Only-begotten Son 2:27
14 Come, O Ye People, Let Us Worship the Godhead in Three Persons (Tune of the Trinity-St. Sergius Laura) 0:43
15 Holy God 2:21
16 Troparion to Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam 1:08
17 Kontakion to Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam 1:00
18 A mercy of peace... 2:48
19 We hymn Thee, we bless Thee 1:35
20 Our father 1:19
21 Blessed are they, whom Thou hast chosen, O Lord 1:02
22 Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, communion verse 0:15
23 The Body of Christ take ye... Alleluia, communion verse for Easter 0:53
24 We have seen the true light 0:50
25 He who holds the whole creation in the hollow of His hand 1:52
26 Beneath thy tender mercy 1:08
27 Before Thy Cross, we bow down in worship 1:46
28 Now the Powers of Heaven.. 2:52
29 Blessed be the Lord, at all times 0:57
30 Megalynarion to the Cross 0:50
31 To thee, our leader in battle and defender 1:31
32 The grace of thy mouth 1:16
33 Having come to the tomb before the dawn 1:03
34 At Mid-Feast give thou my thirsty soul to drink 1:20
35 The angel cried 1:45
36 The tomb and death... 1:43
37 In thee, O Virgin without spot... 1:09
38 As a Virgin thou didst give birth 1:29
39 Revealing to thee the pre-eternal counsel 1:43
40 Troparion to the Konevets icon of the Mother of God 0:52

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Troparion to Saint Arsenli of Konevets :55
2 Psalm 103, of the Kievan Lavra Tradition 2:12
3 Blessed is the man 2:28
4 O gentle light 2:28
5 Rejoice, O twain, chosen by God 1:57
6 To the Mother of God :46
7 Blessed be the name of the Lord 2:06
8 From My Youth 1:30
9 Rejoice, O Issiah, Irmos of the 9th ode of the Resurrection Canon 1:04
10 Blessed by thou Mother of God :50
11 Grest Doxology 3:43
12 Today is salvation come unto the world, Resurrection hymn 1:02
13 The Only-begotten Son 2:27
14 Come, O Ye People, Let Us Worship the Godhead in Three Persons (Tune of the Trinity-St. Sergius Laura) :43
15 Holy God 2:21
16 Troparion to Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam 1:08
17 Kontakion to Saints Sergius and Herman of Valaam 1:00
18 A mercy of peace... 2:48
19 We hymn Thee, we bless Thee 1:35
20 Our father 1:19
21 Blessed are they, whom Thou hast chosen, O Lord 1:02
22 Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, communion verse   -
23 The Body of Christ take ye... Alleluia, communion verse for Easter :53
24 We have seen the true light :50
25 He who holds the whole creation in the hollow of His hand 1:52
26 Beneath thy tender mercy 1:08
27 Before Thy Cross, we bow down in worship 1:46
28 Now the Powers of Heaven.. 2:52
29 Blessed be the Lord, at all times :57
30 Megalynarion to the Cross :50
31 To thee, our leader in battle and defender 1:31
32 The grace of thy mouth 1:16
33 Having come to the tomb before the dawn 1:03
34 At Mid-Feast give thou my thirsty soul to drink 1:20
35 The angel cried 1:45
36 The tomb and death... 1:43
37 In thee, O Virgin without spot... 1:09
38 As a Virgin thou didst give birth 1:29
39 Revealing to thee the pre-eternal counsel 1:43
40 Troparion to the Konevets icon of the Mother of God :52

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