Haydn: Scottish Songs for William Whyte [Box Set]

Artist Lorna Anderson
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Brilliant Classics

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Auld lang syne ("Should auld acquaintance be forgot"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/218 2:45
2 The waefu' heart ("Gin living worth could win..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/9bis 3:39
3 The last time I came o'er the muir, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/199bis 4:22
4 Tak' your auld cloak about ye ("In winter, when the rain..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/180bis 4:06
5 The collier's bonny lassie ("The collier has a daughter"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/213 2:20
6 Waly, waly, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/214 3:31
7 Erin-go-bragh ("There came to the beach..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/203bis 3:00
8 Lewie Gordon ("O send Lewie Gordon hame"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/215 2:07
9 Thou'rt gane awa', folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/12bis 3:15
10 The braes of Ballenden ("Beneath a green shade"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/200bis 4:39
11 The mill, mill O! ("When wild war's deadly blast..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/92bis 4:53
12 Merry may the maid be, folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/50bis 2:33
13 Here awa', there awa' ("Joy was bereft me..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/257 3:57
14 My lodging is on the cold ground ("Farewell, thou fair day"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/262 2:30
15 My Jo Janet ("O sweet Sir for your courtesie"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/258 2:08
16 Open the door, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/255 4:17
17 I'll never leave thee ("One day I heard Mary say..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/205 3:30
18 The lass of Patie's mill, folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/160bis 3:21
19 Roslin Castle ("'Twas in that season"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/191bis 3:04
20 Low down in the broom ("My daddy is a canker'd carle"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/210 3:02
21 The birks of Invermay ("The smiling morn, the breathing spring"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/187bis 2:52
22 The poet's ain Jean ("Of a the airts the wind can blaw"), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/230bis 4:09
23 Shepherds, I have lost my love, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/93bis 3:15
24 Scornfu' Nancy ("Nancy's to the greenwood gane"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/185bis 4:19
25 Gramachree ("One morning very early"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/13ter 4:31
26 Maggy Lauder ("Who wadna be in love..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/35ter 3:05
27 The bush aboon Traquair ("Hear me, ye nymphs"), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/204 2:50
28 The flowers of the forest ("I've seen the smiling of fortune"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/212 3:28
29 My nanie, O, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/37ter 3:46
30 Corn riggs ("My patie is a lover gay"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/216 1:50
31 My apron deary ("My sheep I neglected"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/189bis 3:35
32 The siller crown ("And ye shall walk in silk attire"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/260 3:52
33 The Shepherd's son ("There was a shepherd's son"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/106bis 2:06
34 Sae merry as we ha'e been ("A lass that was laden with care"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/223 3:07
35 She rose and loot me in ("The night her silent sable wore"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/219 4:06
36 The braes of Yarrow ("Busk ye, busk ye..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/207 3:28
37 The silken snood ("Oh! I hae lost my silken snood"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/208 3:33
38 Donald ("From thee, Eliza, I must go"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/217 3:51
39 Gilderoy ("Ah! Chloris, could I now but sit"), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/225 2:10
40 Saw ye my father?, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/5ter 1:48
41 Katherine Ogie ("As walking forth..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/220 2:53
42 Donald and Flora ("When merry hearts were gay"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/139bis 3:59
43 The Lea-rig ("Will ye gang o'er the leerigg"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/31ter 2:30
44 I had a horse ("O poortith cauld and restless love"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/17bis 5:16
45 John Anderson, my jo, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/2bis 2:32
46 The humours o' glen ("Their groves o' sweet myrtle"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/256 3:08
47 The lass of Lochroyan ("O open the door"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/209 4:26
48 This is no mine ain house, folk song for voice, violin & keyboard, H. 31a/14 1:54
49 For the lack of gold, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/222 2:55
50 Widow, are ye waking? ("O! wha's that at my chamber door"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/75bis 3:24
51 The maid that tends the goats, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/221bis 3:33
52 Todlen hame ("When I hae saxpence under my thumb"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/6bis 2:23
53 Bonnie wee thing, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/102bis 3:32
54 Up in the morning early ("Cauld blaws the wind frae..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/28bis 2:18
55 Lochaber ("Farewell to Lochaber"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/190bis 4:16
56 The yellow hair'd laddie ("In April, when primroses..."), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/211 2:29
57 Robin, quo' she ("Robin is my only Joe"), folk song for voice, violin & keyboard, H. 31a/72 2:22
58 O'er the moor amang the heather ("Coming thro' the craigs O'Kyle"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/122ter 2:32
59 Sweet Annie, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/261 3:57
60 Galla water ("Braw braw lads of Galla water"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/15bis 1:37
61 Tweedside ("What beauties does Flora disclose"), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/206 2:58
62 Bessy Bell and Mary Gray, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/178bis 3:03
63 An thou wert mine ain thing, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/164bis 4:16
64 The day returns, folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/259 2:36
65 Captain O'Kain ("Our bugles sung truce..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/224 3:40

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Auld lang syne ("Should auld acquaintance be forgot"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/218 2:45
2 The waefu' heart ("Gin living worth could win..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/9bis 3:39
3 The last time I came o'er the muir, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/199bis 4:22
4 Tak' your auld cloak about ye ("In winter, when the rain..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/180bis 4:06
5 The collier's bonny lassie ("The collier has a daughter"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/213 2:20
6 Waly, waly, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/214 3:31
7 Erin-go-bragh ("There came to the beach..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/203bis 3:00
8 Lewie Gordon ("O send Lewie Gordon hame"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/215 2:07
9 Thou'rt gane awa', folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/12bis 3:15
10 The braes of Ballenden ("Beneath a green shade"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/200bis 4:39
11 The mill, mill O! ("When wild war's deadly blast..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/92bis 4:53
12 Merry may the maid be, folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/50bis 2:33
13 Here awa', there awa' ("Joy was bereft me..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/257 3:57
14 My lodging is on the cold ground ("Farewell, thou fair day"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/262 2:30
15 My Jo Janet ("O sweet Sir for your courtesie"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/258 2:08
16 Open the door, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/255 4:17
17 I'll never leave thee ("One day I heard Mary say..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/205 3:30
18 The lass of Patie's mill, folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/160bis 3:21
19 Roslin Castle ("'Twas in that season"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/191bis 3:04
20 Low down in the broom ("My daddy is a canker'd carle"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/210 3:02
21 The birks of Invermay ("The smiling morn, the breathing spring"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/187bis 2:52
22 The poet's ain Jean ("Of a the airts the wind can blaw"), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/230bis 4:09
23 Shepherds, I have lost my love, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/93bis 3:15
24 Scornfu' Nancy ("Nancy's to the greenwood gane"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/185bis 4:19
25 Gramachree ("One morning very early"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/13ter 4:31
26 Maggy Lauder ("Who wadna be in love..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/35ter 3:05
27 The bush aboon Traquair ("Hear me, ye nymphs"), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/204 2:50
28 The flowers of the forest ("I've seen the smiling of fortune"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/212 3:28
29 My nanie, O, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/37ter 3:46
30 Corn riggs ("My patie is a lover gay"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/216 1:50
31 My apron deary ("My sheep I neglected"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/189bis 3:35
32 The siller crown ("And ye shall walk in silk attire"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/260 3:52
33 The Shepherd's son ("There was a shepherd's son"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/106bis 2:06
34 Sae merry as we ha'e been ("A lass that was laden with care"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/223 3:07
35 She rose and loot me in ("The night her silent sable wore"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/219 4:06
36 The braes of Yarrow ("Busk ye, busk ye..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/207 3:28
37 The silken snood ("Oh! I hae lost my silken snood"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/208 3:33
38 Donald ("From thee, Eliza, I must go"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/217 3:51
39 Gilderoy ("Ah! Chloris, could I now but sit"), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/225 2:10
40 Saw ye my father?, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/5ter 1:48
41 Katherine Ogie ("As walking forth..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/220 2:53
42 Donald and Flora ("When merry hearts were gay"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/139bis 3:59
43 The Lea-rig ("Will ye gang o'er the leerigg"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/31ter 2:30
44 I had a horse ("O poortith cauld and restless love"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/17bis 5:16
45 John Anderson, my jo, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/2bis 2:32
46 The humours o' glen ("Their groves o' sweet myrtle"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/256 3:08
47 The lass of Lochroyan ("O open the door"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/209 4:26
48 This is no mine ain house, folk song for voice, violin & keyboard, H. 31a/14 1:54
49 For the lack of gold, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/222 2:55
50 Widow, are ye waking? ("O! wha's that at my chamber door"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/75bis 3:24
51 The maid that tends the goats, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/221bis 3:33
52 Todlen hame ("When I hae saxpence under my thumb"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/6bis 2:23
53 Bonnie wee thing, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/102bis 3:32
54 Up in the morning early ("Cauld blaws the wind frae..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/28bis 2:18
55 Lochaber ("Farewell to Lochaber"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/190bis 4:16
56 The yellow hair'd laddie ("In April, when primroses..."), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/211 2:29
57 Robin, quo' she ("Robin is my only Joe"), folk song for voice, violin & keyboard, H. 31a/72 2:22
58 O'er the moor amang the heather ("Coming thro' the craigs O'Kyle"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/122ter 2:32
59 Sweet Annie, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/261 3:57
60 Galla water ("Braw braw lads of Galla water"), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/15bis 1:37
61 Tweedside ("What beauties does Flora disclose"), folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/206 2:58
62 Bessy Bell and Mary Gray, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/178bis 3:03
63 An thou wert mine ain thing, folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/164bis 4:16
64 The day returns, folk song for 2 voices, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/259 2:36
65 Captain O'Kain ("Our bugles sung truce..."), folk song for voice, violin, cello & keyboard, H. 31a/224 3:40

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