Music from the Ether: Original Works for Theremin

Artist Lydia Kavina
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Mode Records
Erschienen 1999

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Melody, for theremin & piano 1:51
2 Mouvement électrique et pathétique, for theremin & piano 1:50
3 Dance in the Moon, for theremin & piano 2:48
4 Free Music No. 1, for 4 theremins 1:29
5 Fantasia for theremin, oboe, string quartet & piano, H. 301 14:23
6 Improvisation, for theremin & piano 3:54
7 Suite, for theremin & piano 9:09
8 In Whims of the Wind, for soprano voice, theremin & piano 11:34
9 Mixolydia, for theremin & tape 11:30
10 Voice of Theremin, for theremin & tape 8:47

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Melody, for theremin & piano 1:51
2 Mouvement électrique et pathétique, for theremin & piano 1:50
3 Dance in the Moon, for theremin & piano 2:48
4 Free Music No. 1, for 4 theremins 1:29
5 Fantasia for theremin, oboe, string quartet & piano, H. 301 14:23
6 Improvisation, for theremin & piano 3:54
7 Suite, for theremin & piano 3:49
8 Suite, for theremin & piano 2:14
9 Suite, for theremin & piano 3:06
10 In Whims of the Wind, for soprano voice, theremin & piano 11:34
11 Mixolydia, for theremin & tape 11:30
12 Voice of Theremin, for theremin & tape 8:47

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