Dvorák: Tenor Arias

Artist Miroslav Kopp
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Romantische Musik (1820-1869)
Label Panton Records

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 King and Charcoal Burner (Král a uhlív), opera, B. 21/B. 42/B. 151 (Op. 14): Act III, Scene II: Go, I am not envious of your bliss-oh how my soul for you, Lidka 4:18
2 The Stubborn Lovers (Tvrdé palice), opera, B. 46 (Op. 17): Scene 9: If only the old fellow would get on and marry Lenka 2:05
3 The Cunning Peasant (Selma Sedlák), opera, B. 67 (Op.37): Act II, Scene VIII: Oh weel, your daughter's not the only one around 1:47
4 Vanda, opera, B. 55 (Op.25): Act I, Scene V: Oh Vanda remember your youth 2:26
5 The Spectre's Bride (Svatební kosile), cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra, B. 135 (Op. 69): No. 7: Fine night and clear in times like this 5:10
6 Saint Ludmilla, oratorio for solists, chrous & orchestra, B. 144 (Op. 71): 1st part, No 10: Festoen with flowers gay 1:57
7 Jakobin, opera, B. 159/B. 200 (Op. 84): Act I, Scene V: Know you the man concerned? 3:42
8 The Devil and Kate (Cert a Káca), opera, B. 201 (Op. 112): Act I, Scene I: Brothers I Must Go, I Must Go 6:11
9 Saint Ludmilla, oratorio for solists, chrous & orchestra, B. 144 (Op. 71): 2nd Part, No 25-26: Gaily we pass through field and through forest-Oh what a sight there in the shadows 5:54
10 Dimitrij, opera, B. 127/B. 186 (Op.64): Act III, Scene I: I saw her with my own eyes, I caught sight if Ksenia 7:46
11 Armida, opera, B. 206 (Op.115): Act IV, Scene I: Alone in the desert, alone-I feel fer kisses on my cheek 10:15
12 Rusalka, opera, B. 203 (Op. 114): Act I, Finale: Cease your hunting-Oh vision of wonder and beauty-I know you spell enchantment 8:51

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 King and Charcoal Burner (Král a uhlív), opera, B. 21/B. 42/B. 151 (Op. 14) 4:18
2 The Stubborn Lovers (Tvrdé palice), opera, B. 46 (Op. 17) 2:05
3 The Cunning Peasant (Selma Sedlák), opera, B. 67 (Op.37) 1:47
4 Vanda, opera, B. 55 (Op.25) 2:26
5 The Spectre's Bride (Svatební kosile), cantata for soloists, chorus & orchestra, B. 135 (Op. 69) 5:10
6 Saint Ludmilla, oratorio for solists, chrous & orchestra, B. 144 (Op. 71) 1:57
7 Jakobin, opera, B. 159/B. 200 (Op. 84) 3:42
8 The Devil and Kate (Cert a Káca), opera, B. 201 (Op. 112) 6:11
9 Saint Ludmilla, oratorio for solists, chrous & orchestra, B. 144 (Op. 71) 5:54
10 Dimitrij, opera, B. 127/B. 186 (Op.64) 7:46
11 Armida, opera, B. 206 (Op.115) 10:15
12 Rusalka, opera, B. 203 (Op. 114) 8:51

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