|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Surrounded |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Heart of a King |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: The Pig Chase |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: The Ascension |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: King for a King |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: The Moon Beckons |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: The Masked Ball |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: A Taste of Something |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Kissy Kissie |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Training to be King |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: The Rose |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: All Will Be Well |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: All for One |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Greatest Mystery of Life |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Raoul and Christine |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: It Is a Trap |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Angry Athos |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Raoul's Letter |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: The Palace |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: Raoul's Death |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews
|  | The Man in the Iron Mask, film score: The Queen Approaches |  |
- Komponist: Nick Glennie-Smith
- Posaune: Richard Edwards
- Oboe: John Anderson
- Englischhorn: John Anderson
- Trompete: Paul Beniston
- Waldhorn: Nigel Black
- Violine, Geige: Thomas Bowes
- Baß: Michael Brittain
- Klarinette: Nicholas Bucknall
- Violine, Geige: Dermot Crehan
- Trompete: Andrew Crowley
- Viola, Bratsche: Philip Dukes
- Waldhorn: Phillip Eastop
- Cello: Robin Firman
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Hawkes
- Violine, Geige: Rebecca Hirsch
- Viola, Bratsche: Luciano Iorio
- Flöte: Helen Keen
- Cello: Paul Kegg
- Viola, Bratsche: Peter Lale
- Baß: Christopher Laurence
- Klarinette: Timothy Lines
- Violine, Geige: Rita Manning
- Violine, Geige: James McLeod
- Oboe: Richard Morgan
- Englischhorn: Richard Morgan
- Viola, Bratsche: Andrew Parker
- Waldhorn: John Pigneguy
- Cello: Anthony Pleeth
- Violine, Geige: Maciej Rakowski
- Violine, Geige: Edward Roberts
- Baß: Mary Scully
- Posaune: Lindsay Shilling
- Trompete: Malcolm Smith
- Waldhorn: Michael Thompson
- Harfe: Helen Tunstall
- Viola, Bratsche: Ivo Jan Van der Werff
- Violine, Geige: David Woodcock
- Violine, Geige: Gavyn Wright
- Baß: Paul Cullington
- Cello: David Daniels
- Flöte: Sally Ewins
- Flöte: Andrew Findon
- Pfeifen: Andrew Findon
- Waldhorn: Paul Gardham
- Violine, Geige: Roger Garland
- Baß: Paul Morgan
- Violine, Geige: Peter Oxer
- Cello: Martin Robinson
- Posaune: David Stewart
- Cello: Gillian Thoday
- Violine, Geige: Cathy Thompson
- Viola, Bratsche: Elizabeth Watson
- Violine, Geige: Perry Montague-Mason
- Viola, Bratsche: Bill Benham
- Baß: Simon Benson
- Violine, Geige: Benedict Cruft
- Cello: Cathy Giles
- Viola, Bratsche: Donald McVay
- Cello: Frank Schaefer
- Tuba: Owen Slade
- Cimbasso: Owen Slade
- Harfe: Fiona Hibbert
- Violine, Geige: Vaughan Armon
- Violine, Geige: Jonathan Evans-Jones
- Trompete: Robert Ferryman
- Fagott: Stephen Maw
- Waldhorn: Hugh Seenan
- Baß: Dominic Seldis
- Flöte: Kathleen Stevenson
- Violine, Geige: Justin Ward
- Viola, Bratsche: Justin Ward
- Violine, Geige: Wilfred Gibson
- Cello: Anthony Lewis
- Posaune: Peter Davies
- Fagott: Julie Andrews