| Songs of Desire Olga Borodina
Aufnahmeort und Datum Friedrich-Ebert-Halle, Hamburg, Germany [1994] |  | |
| Strauss, Dvorak, Kreisler and others Rosa Ponselle |  | |
| Songs And Operettas Rosa Ponselle |  | |
| Lily Pons: In Her Early Years Lily Pons |  | |
| Singers Of Imperial Russia, Volume III Various
Aufnahmeort und Datum Moscow, Russia [1913] |  | |
| Rosa Ponselle: The Victor Recordings (1926-29) Rosa Ponselle |  | |
| Tito Schipa Tito Schipa |  | |
| Kreisler: The 1926 & 1927 Victor Recordings: Favourite Short Pieces Fritz Kreisler |  | |
| Rosa Ponselle: 1939 Victor & 1954 "Villa Pace" Recordings Rosa Ponselle |  | |
| Art of Eileen di Tullio Eileen di Tullio |  | |
| Songs By The Mighty Handful Sergei Larin
Aufnahmeort und Datum Snape Maltings Concert Hall, Snape, Suffolk, England [1996] |  | |
| Rosa Ponselle Rosa Ponselle |  | |
| The Record of Singing, Vol. 4 Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Paris, France [1949] |  | |
| Divas 1917-1939 Various Artists |  | |
| Rosa Ponselle-In Opera And Song Rosa Ponselle |  | |
| Lily Pons, Je suis Titania: Live Broadcasts from 1940 to 1944 Lily Pons |  | |
| The Early Years Mina Foley Mina Foley |  | |
| Lebendige Vergangenheit: Xenia Blemas II Xenia Belmas |  | |
| In the Kingdom of Roses and Wine Various Artists |  | |
| Russian Singers of the Past: Rimsky-Korsakov performed by his Contemporaries 2 Various Artists |  | |
| Russian Singers of the Past: Rimsky-Korsakov performed by his Contemporaries 2 Various Artists |  | |
| Alma Gluck Alma Gluck |  | |
| Songs of the Nightingale Various Artists
Aufnahmeort und Datum Sweeney Concert Hall, Smith College; Northampton, MA [1994] |  | |
| A la Recherche de la Musique Perdue Cathy Berberian |  | |
| Nina Koshetz vol. 1 Nina Koshetz |  | |