Coming Down Is the Hardest Thing

Artist Paul Rader
Bewertung  von 5
Genre Rock
Label Smaul
Erschienen 27.02.2004


# Song Komponist Dauer
1   Candy Mountain   -   -
2   You've Come Over Me   -   -
3   The Maze   -   -
4   Wholeness in Pieces   -   -
5   Coming Down Is the Hardest Thing   -   -
6   If I Were a Diamond   -   -
7   Something to See   -   -
8   A Place in My Mind   -   -
9   Climb   -   -
10   Oliver   -   -
11   Your Misfortune   -   -
12   Imagination Wild   -   -

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Songtexte von Coming Down Is the Hardest Thing

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Weitere Releases von Coming Down Is the Hardest Thing

Datum Typ Label Katalog-Nr.
27.02.2004 CD Smaul