Tight Sweater: Real Quiet Plays the Music of Marc Mellits

Artist Real Quiet
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche ()
Label Endeavour Classics
Erschienen 2006

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Tight Sweater, for cello, piano & percussion 18:16
2 Agu, for cello, piano & percussion 10:31
3 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble 19:23
4 Disciples of Gouda, for cello, piano & percussion 7:51

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Tight Sweater, for cello, piano & percussion - 1. Exposed Zipper 2:39
2 Tight Sweater, for cello, piano & percussion - 2. Trans Fatty Acid's Rein 2:22
3 Tight Sweater, for cello, piano & percussion - 3. Mara's Lullaby 4:31
4 Tight Sweater, for cello, piano & percussion - 4. Pickle Trousers 2:04
5 Tight Sweater, for cello, piano & percussion - 5. Evil Yellow Penguin 2:27
6 Tight Sweater, for cello, piano & percussion - 6. Mechanically Separated Chicken Parts 4:13
7 Agu, for cello, piano & percussion - 1. Sheep Bells 2:44
8 Agu, for cello, piano & percussion - 2. The Triumph of Water Witch 1:37
9 Agu, for cello, piano & percussion - 3. You're a Fake! 6:10
10 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble - 1. Wood 1:32
11 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble - 2. Shattered Glass 2:12
12 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble - 3. CIB 3:17
13 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble - 4. 4LB 2:31
14 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble - 5. Shagadellic 2:19
15 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble - 6. Blue 1:30
16 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble - 7. Lizzie's Stomach 2:53
17 Fruity Pebbles, for ensemble - 8. Lefty's Elegy 3:09
18 Disciples of Gouda, for cello, piano & percussion 7:51

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