Gorecki: Sinfonie No.1; Chorus I; Three Pieces in the Old Style

Artist Roland Bader
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label Koch Schwann
Erschienen 1993

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" 17:37
2 Choros I, for strings, Op. 20 17:12
3 Pieces (3) in the Olden Style, for string orchestra 8:32

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" - Introduktion 4:39
1 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" - Introduktion 4:39
2 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" - Antyphone 5:30
2 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" - Antyphone 5:30
3 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" - Choral 3:11
3 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" - Choral 3:11
4 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" - Lauda 4:17
4 Symphony No. 1, Op 14 "1959" - Lauda 4:17
5 Choros I, for strings, Op. 20 17:12
5 Choros I, for strings, Op. 20 17:12
6 Pieces (3) in the Olden Style, for string orchestra - 1st Piece 3:19
6 Pieces (3) in the Olden Style, for string orchestra - 1st Piece 3:19
7 Pieces (3) in the Olden Style, for string orchestra - 2nd Piece 1:55
7 Pieces (3) in the Olden Style, for string orchestra - 2nd Piece 1:55
8 Pieces (3) in the Olden Style, for string orchestra - 3rd Piece 3:18
8 Pieces (3) in the Olden Style, for string orchestra - 3rd Piece 3:18

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