Rattle Directs 20th Century Orchestral Masterworks (Box Set)

Artist Simon Rattle
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label EMI
Erschienen 1993

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Le roi Lear (King Lear), incidental music, for orchestra, L. 107 4:56
2 Jeux, ballet, L. 126 19:34
3 Images (3), for orchestra, L. 122 37:15
4 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra 57:21
5 Boléro, ballet for orchestra 16:15
6 Fanfare, for orchestra (for collaborative ballet L'eventail de Jeanne) 2:18
7 Shéhérazade, poems (3) for soprano (or tenor) & orchestra (or piano): No.1, Asie 10:05
8 Shéhérazade, poems (3) for soprano (or tenor) & orchestra (or piano): No. 2, La Flûte enchantée 3:10
9 Shéhérazade, poems (3) for soprano (or tenor) & orchestra (or piano): No. 3, Indifférent 4:22
10 Miroirs, for piano (or orchestra): Alborada del gracioso 7:41
11 Miroirs, for piano (or orchestra): La vallée de cloches 5:37
12 Ma mère l'oye, ballet for orchestra 28:42
13 La valse, poème choréographique for orchestra 12:33
14 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra 30:12
15 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra 34:52
16 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version) 35:08
17 Symphony in Three Movements, for orchestra 21:29
18 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra 47:34
19 Scherzo à la Russe, for orchestra 3:56
20 Etudes (4) for orchestra 9:38
21 Scherzo à la Russe, for orchestra: Orchestral version 3:58

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Le roi Lear (King Lear), incidental music, for orchestra, L. 107 - Fanfare d'ouverture   -
2 Le roi Lear (King Lear), incidental music, for orchestra, L. 107 - Le Sommeil de Lear   -
3 Jeux, ballet, L. 126   -
4 Images (3), for orchestra, L. 122 - 1. Gigues   -
5 Images (3), for orchestra, L. 122 - Images: 2/1. Ibéria, Par les rues et par les chemins   -
6 Images (3), for orchestra, L. 122 - Images: 2/2. Ibéria, Les parfums de la nuit   -
7 Images (3), for orchestra, L. 122 - Images: 2/3. Ibéria, Le matin d'un jour de fête   -
8 Images (3), for orchestra, L. 122 - 3. Rondes de printemps   -
9 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
10 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
11 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
12 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
13 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
14 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
15 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
16 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
17 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
18 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
19 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
20 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
21 Daphnis et Chloé, ballet for orchestra   -
22 Boléro, ballet for orchestra   -
23 Fanfare, for orchestra (for collaborative ballet L'eventail de Jeanne)   -
24 Shéhérazade, poems (3) for soprano (or tenor) & orchestra (or piano) - No.1, Asie   -
25 Shéhérazade, poems (3) for soprano (or tenor) & orchestra (or piano) - No.1, Asie   -
26 Shéhérazade, poems (3) for soprano (or tenor) & orchestra (or piano) - No. 2, La Flûte enchantée   -
27 Shéhérazade, poems (3) for soprano (or tenor) & orchestra (or piano) - No. 3, Indifférent   -
28 Shéhérazade, poems (3) for soprano (or tenor) & orchestra (or piano) - No. 3, Indifférent   -
29 Miroirs, for piano (or orchestra) - Alborada del gracioso   -
30 Miroirs, for piano (or orchestra) - Alborada del gracioso   -
31 Miroirs, for piano (or orchestra) - La vallée de cloches   -
32 Ma mère l'oye, ballet for orchestra   -
33 Ma mère l'oye, ballet for orchestra   -
34 Ma mère l'oye, ballet for orchestra   -
35 Ma mère l'oye, ballet for orchestra   -
36 Ma mère l'oye, ballet for orchestra   -
13 La valse, poème choréographique for orchestra 12:33
37 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene1 (Prologue): Naissance d'Apollon   -
38 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Variation d'Apollon   -
39 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Pas d'action   -
40 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Variation de Calliope   -
41 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Variation de Polymnie   -
42 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Variation de Terpsichore   -
43 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Variation de d'Apollon   -
44 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Pas de deux   -
45 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Coda   -
46 Apollon musagète, ballet in 2 scenes for string orchestra - Scene 2: Apothéose   -
47 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra   -
48 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra   -
49 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra   -
50 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra   -
51 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra   -
52 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra   -
53 Le Sacre du printemps (The Rite of Spring), ballet in 2 parts for orchestra   -
54 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
55 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
56 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
57 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
58 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
59 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
60 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
61 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
62 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
63 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
64 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
65 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
66 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
67 Petrushka, ballet (burlesque) in 4 scenes for orchestra (1947 version)   -
68 Symphony in Three Movements, for orchestra - First movement   -
69 Symphony in Three Movements, for orchestra - Andante   -
70 Symphony in Three Movements, for orchestra - Con moto   -
71 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra   -
72 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra   -
73 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra   -
74 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra   -
75 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra   -
76 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra   -
77 L'oiseau de feu (The Firebird), ballet in 2 scenes for orchestra   -
78 Scherzo à la Russe, for orchestra   -
79 Etudes (4) for orchestra - No. 1, Danse   -
80 Etudes (4) for orchestra - No. 2, Eccentric   -
81 Etudes (4) for orchestra - No. 3, Canticle   -
82 Etudes (4) for orchestra - No. 4, Madrid   -
83 Scherzo à la Russe, for orchestra - Orchestral version   -

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