Bella Domna: The Medieval Woman

Artist Sinfonye
Bewertung  von 5
Epoche Mittelalter (1-1449)
Label Hyperion
Erschienen 1988

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) 25:33
2 Domna, pos vos ay chausida 2:43
3 La Tierche Estampie Real, for consort 2:46
4 Onques n'amai tant que jou fui amée, rondeau-motet 6:06
5 Onques n'amai tant que jou fui amée, rondeau-motet 1:37
6 La Sexte Estampie Real 2:59
7 La Quarte Estampie Royal 2:28
8 A chantar m'er de so qu'en no volria, song 5:24
9 Danse Royale II 3:16
10 Lasse, pour quoi refusai? (Alas, Why Did I Refuse Him?) 6:36

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 1. Ondas do mar de vigo (Sea waves of Vigo) 3:37
1 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 1. Ondas do mar de vigo (Sea waves of Vigo) 3:37
2 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 2. Mandad' ei comigo (My love's coming home) 2:36
2 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 2. Mandad' ei comigo (My love's coming home) 2:36
3 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 3. Mia jrmana fremosa treides comigo (Fair sister, come haste with me) 2:57
3 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 3. Mia jrmana fremosa treides comigo (Fair sister, come haste with me) 2:57
4 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 4. Aj deus se sab'ora meu amgio (Ah, God, could thou, my lover, know) 6:01
4 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 4. Aj deus se sab'ora meu amgio (Ah, God, could thou, my lover, know) 6:01
5 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 5. quantas sabedes amar amigo (All ye who are of love's fair train) 6:11
5 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 5. quantas sabedes amar amigo (All ye who are of love's fair train) 6:11
6 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 6. Eno sagrado en vigo (On holy ground in Vigo) 2:37
6 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 6. Eno sagrado en vigo (On holy ground in Vigo) 2:37
7 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 7. Aj ondas que eu vin veer (Waves that I came to see) 1:34
7 Cantigas (7) de Amigo, song cycle for voice and accompaniment (music missing from 1 cantiga) - 7. Aj ondas que eu vin veer (Waves that I came to see) 1:34
8 Domna, pos vos ay chausida 2:43
8 Domna, pos vos ay chausida 2:43
9 La Tierche Estampie Real, for consort 2:46
9 La Tierche Estampie Real, for consort 2:46
10 Onques n'amai tant que jou fui amée, rondeau-motet 6:06
10 Onques n'amai tant que jou fui amée, rondeau-motet 6:06
11 Onques n'amai tant que jou fui amée, rondeau-motet 1:37
11 Onques n'amai tant que jou fui amée, rondeau-motet 1:37
12 La Sexte Estampie Real 2:59
12 La Sexte Estampie Real 2:59
13 La Quarte Estampie Royal 2:28
13 La Quarte Estampie Royal 2:28
14 A chantar m'er de so qu'en no volria, song 5:24
14 A chantar m'er de so qu'en no volria, song 5:24
15 Danse Royale II 3:16
15 Danse Royale II 3:16
16 Lasse, pour quoi refusai? (Alas, Why Did I Refuse Him?) 6:36
16 Lasse, pour quoi refusai? (Alas, Why Did I Refuse Him?) 6:36

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