Play the Stripper and Other Fun Songs for the Family

Artist The Speed Devils
Bewertung  von 5
Genre Rock
Label Rawk Records
Erschienen 12.06.2001


# Song Komponist Dauer
1   The Stripper   - 2:22
2   Devil's Ride   - 3:13
3   Insane   - 2:10
4   Five Bucks   - 2:14
5   Fire Down Below   - 3:12
6   X-Ray Love   - 1:40
7   Werewolf   - 2:29
8   Gov't Warning   - 1:00
9   Outta Beer   - 3:03
10   The Curse of Dr. Tomb   - 3:31
11   Prison Break   - 2:26
12   Hayride to Hell   - 2:46
13   When the Teardrops Start   - 2:36
14   Hot Dog City   - 2:08
15   Chinese Rocks [Live] Richard Hell, Jerry Nolan, Dee Dee Ramone, Johnny Thunders 3:09

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Datum Typ Label Katalog-Nr.
15.03.2001 CD Rawk Records 1