Blues in the Night

Artist Various Artists
Bewertung 0 von 5
Epoche Modern (1910-1949)
Label First Night

Klassik-Werke auf diesem Album

# Werk/Besetzung Dauer
1 Blues in the Night, film score: Blue blues   -
2 Blues in the Night, film score: Four walls (and one dirty window) blues   -
3 Blues in the Night, film score: I've got a date with a dream   -
4 Blues in the Night, film score: Stompin' at the Savoy   -
5 Blues in the Night, film score: Taking a chance on love   -
6 Blues in the Night, film score: It makes my love come down   -
7 Blues in the Night, film score: I'm just a lucky so-and-so   -
8 Blues in the Night, film score: Take me for a buggy ride   -
9 Blues in the Night, film score: Wild women don't have the blues   -
10 Blues in the Night, film score: Loverman   -
11 Blues in the Night, film score: Willow weep for me   -
12 Blues in the Night, film score: Take it right back   -
13 Blues in the Night, film score: Blues in the night   -
14 Blues in the Night, film score: Rough and ready man   -
15 Blues in the Night, film score: Reckless blues   -
16 Blues in the Night, film score: Wasted life blues   -
17 Blues in the Night, film score: Baby doll   -
18 Blues in the Night, film score: Nobody knows you when you're down and out   -
19 Blues in the Night, film score: I gotta right to sing the blues   -
20 Blues in the Night, film score: Four walls   -

Tracks auf diesem Album

# Titel Dauer
1 Blues in the Night, film score   -
2 Blues in the Night, film score   -
3 Blues in the Night, film score   -
4 Blues in the Night, film score   -
5 Blues in the Night, film score   -
6 Blues in the Night, film score   -
7 Blues in the Night, film score   -
8 Blues in the Night, film score   -
9 Blues in the Night, film score   -
10 Blues in the Night, film score   -
11 Blues in the Night, film score   -
12 Blues in the Night, film score   -
13 Blues in the Night, film score   -
14 Blues in the Night, film score   -
15 Blues in the Night, film score   -
16 Blues in the Night, film score   -
17 Blues in the Night, film score   -
18 Blues in the Night, film score   -
19 Blues in the Night, film score   -
20 Blues in the Night, film score   -

Bewertungen zu Blues in the Night

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